Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Oh dear, illness gets you where ever...Been sleeping almost all day, took walks for Luci, took DayQuil/NyQuil, tried to stay cool. Seems like a wasted day in paradise, but a day of getting well, hopefully.
Welcome to new follower Kyotesue!
Hope you are all well :)
Take Care and God Bless


  1. HI KYOTESUE!!!!!

    I hope you get to feeling better really soon. I have the nip of RA flaring up so I too have been down a day or two. Hugs. Tammy

  2. Hey there, Loree. Hope you feel better really quickly! Did you get a flu shot? Thanks for the welcome, now get back to bed! and Hi to you Tammy. This following/blogging/commenting thing is amazing, crazy, but amazing.

  3. Have yourself a hot toddy! :) And some chicken soup.

  4. Yep, that chicken soup idea just might do it alright.

  5. I agree with Judy. If the chicken soup doesn't do the trick, try a couple of hot toddies!!

    Hope your feeling a lot better real soon

    Travel Safe
