Monday, September 1, 2014

In the Kitchen

Fall is here.... for sure..... and time for homemade granola and some zucchini bread with FRESH zucchini.... the kitchen smells amazing....  had a minor glitch as found I did not have enough sugar for the bread, so had to run to the market really fast..  :)  there is always something that makes life a little more interesting, right???

Take Care All


  1. You should have just stuck your finger in the raw dough. That would surely make it sweet enough! ;)

  2. So true! Happens to me all the time! Love making granola--your bread looks perfectly delicious!

  3. So nice to be able to "run to the market" From our place here in Rocky Point that is a 40 minute drive one way. Probably the best part about visiting the cottage in Grants Pass...I can run to the market. The granola looks yummy!

  4. Wish I could stop by your house for a sniff and a taste.
