Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Old North Church

 Did not know the Episcopal Church was the Old North Church..  Interesting.  There were lots of beautiful old churches we saw in the Northeast that were of the Episcopal Diocese. 
I just can't get over that I was actually there.  Mom and Dad went to a 29th Division reunion in the 90's and toured here too.  It made it all the more special knowing they had also been in the same space. 
It was all so beautiful, old,  narrow streets, green space and monument behind the church of dog tags.  Brick everywhere.  Knowing of all the people that had gone before and will after.  The wavey glass window panes, the light was just so.

All pictures or of the Old North Church in this blog...

The minister giving a talk on the church.  They still have Sunday services here.

This is the oldest pipe organ in the states... It still works and is used in the Services.

There are not pews but boxes, sort of.... with a wooden  bench, chair and little bookcase for setting your things during the service.  Would be good for corralling children  :)

This is the 'pew' we were in, they have little doors on them.  Think the people paid for the privilege of having their own 'spot' Sunday after Sunday.
1724  geez... Oregon was not even a state until 1859.. When did Lewis and Clark even make their trek to Oregon.. have to look that up on google  :)  My how things have changed...
It was just a special experience in time and space.

Take Care All & God Bless

P.s.  Lewis & Clark expedition was 1804 to 1806


  1. I would love to see that church. Such an incredible amount of history. If only it could talk to us.

  2. It is an incredible walk through history in Old Boston and the visit to the harbor. I think the park butts up to the street where there is a Taj hotel. I went through it as well. Pretty opulent!

    Glad you had such a great time. I love the East Coast as much as I love the West Coast!
