Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Am SO mad at myself.... have been going thru old film and getting copies made and lost an important one, don't know where I placed it!!!  It was right there last night, thought I had things all sorted into keep, store, reproduce.. and can't find it, been looking all over,  I have laid it down somewhere and can't remember!!!! That seems to be happening more and more lately.. what is going on? just being inattentive? things normally show up eventually, but I HAVE looked everywhere, obviously NOT in the right places!!! darn, darn, darn!!


  1. I do this all the time. Try to relax, put it out of your mind and don't worry. If you didn't take it out of the house then it is there and will show up. Maybe not when you'd like but don't empty the trash without going through it. I get in a pick up frenzy and throw things in there without thinking.

  2. It will pop up. I always try and retrace my steps from when I had possession. On the upside Luci and Carl are not picture eaters.....
