Monday, October 31, 2016

Leaf update

Well got them done!!  Just have to get my 'helper' to get then around to the pick up!!  Cleaned house, washed clothes and also finished my Xmas cards, very productive day... was racking and hucking those leaves around so much that just had my shirt sleeves on, no coat!  And was not cold.... Such a relief to have them done and bagged and not all wet out there with them laying about all soggy....
Take Care all and God Bless, lots of people heading south for the Winter, see them on the highway, travel safe all of you


  1. I had to shut my leaf project down today in the tropics because many of them were blown out of the yard over the weekend. Raked for an hour or two and burned them but I can do that 'out in the country". :)

  2. Sounds like a hard day's work to me. My yard "guy" is waiting. He has been here once and will come again next week when the rest fall, if they do! Otherwise, he will wait until they do!
