Saturday, July 16, 2011

Nothing doing, just moving....still..... can't believe i have had the house for a month now and am still piddling along....
Friends from the valley came to visit, Janmarie and Patrick, took me to dinner at Coyote Ranch, a good time was had by all..GREAT food and libations :)


  1. I think it is great that you have had time to piddle along - you have the time to 'put away' and organize rather than everything in boxes all over the place! Besides you love to piddle : )

  2. Take it easy and take your time. Sounds like you had a good dinner.

  3. Since there is no rush, you can take as long as you like. Then it will be just the way you like it:)

  4. But piddling is great fun. Or at least I think it is now that I have time to do it. Rejoyce in that - your life is so great you can piddle!

  5. A pat for Luci. There's nothing like a nice dinner out is there?
