Thursday, July 18, 2024

pup update

 Blurry pic, but showing that she fetches, quite well now.. and loves to do it and brings it and drops right in front of me too!!! hardly have to wrestle her for it... BUT  potty training not going well.. well it does, until it doesn't.... and then she pees, just right in front of me!!! Really??? and sometimes she runs all eager to the back door.... guess it is  progress or not... a, ringing the bell every time... ah well

She also has an old sock that she carries around with her... inside, outside and to bed. loves her dirty old sock!! and she loves her yard... does a perimeter patrol, then gets down to business, digging for worms!!! UCK! she'll find a stick and prance all around with it, like a great treasure... Always are sticks falling out of those horrid trees... Had two HUGE limbs fall off by the shed after a wild wind we had mid-day, that was pretty exciting for her..

 My little unemployed freeloader, so tired after an active day...  Tomorrow she goes in for her 3rd shot series. going to get her nails trimmed too.. i can manipulate her feet, toes, touch them, but get out the nail clipper and she goes bonkers, what is it, with that? me? her? It is just crazy, why i can't do that...

So tomorrow vet, then pup-a-chino, then pet store for food and a new toy... Be a busy day for her.

Take Care and God Bless

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Beach 4th

Went to the beach in Rockaway.  Was able to rent an AirBNB that sleeps 8 so we all fit.  Brian and Robin came with us this year.


It was only a short walk to to the beach. so love to go here.

these chairs were really comfortable and we found ourselfs out here off and on the whole time.. i want some, have to get a pergola put in somewhere tho :)

We went to Secret Beach or tunnel Beach, don't know which it is really called.  some early landowner made a tunnel through the bluff to access a small beach on the other side.  It was a really cool place.  the tunnel was like walking into a deep freeze... and there were lots of rocks/boulder on the beach there, found some agates tho!!! so that was neat...

It is at the north end of Oceanside.  I have never seen so many people on that beach, was quite amazed.. Parking was a long ways away, but Kevin dropped us off, went and parked, then joined us, it was about 1/4 mile away he had to park!! and i have no idea after going there so many times, why i had never been to this particular area.. been to Oceanside, but not to the secret bch, did not know it was there

See... lots of boulders.. spoiled little missy, Sade hardly had to get sand on her feet!  They liked carrying her about.  She had the strangest reaction to the sand.  She would just flop down and roll around, and would not walk, u did, basically have to carry her.

The other dogs were or are good dogs, but would get too hot and had to have water and cool off in the surf.. and the big grey one is a runner, so you had to keep a good hold of him. The other is Boris and he is really well trained and will follow Kevin anywhere, even w/o the leash.

We had a bonfire on the beach on the 4th, watched the sunset and the fireworks were amazing as they were last year. and the weather was fairly good, windy tho.

JeriMay got some really good pictures of the fireworks in action.

Everyplace there were blooming wildflowers, never got a picture of the foxgloves this time tho. And the hydrangeas tho were more than beautiful and had about 10 plants at the house we rented. Got tons of pics of those, you know, trying to get the perfect one!

This was taken as i was leaving Saturday morn about 6am.. water was so still with the mist raising off it.

See, they were really, really pretty

 and so colorful.

These were only about waist high, so assume they had not been in there to very long.

We went out the last day to eat t Sand Dollar, a fav of ours in Rockaway . Their patio was open and is dog friendly, so we could bring them with us, otherwise we would not have been able to go, as could leave them at the rental alone.. And they were all so very good, even Sade!! Just laid down and slept.

We had a really good, family time.  Did most everything we intended to do, cept, did not get to the Tillamook Cheese Factory this time.. there were just Too many people and too hot for dogs being left in the car. 

I had drove over by myself and  went over Mt Hood, to go to Hillsboro to the cemetery, which i have not been to in forever, took along gardening tools and dug our the headstone, clipped around and left lowers on Grandparents site.  On the way back went thru Salem, so made a huge circle and got to see more of the state this time. Also this time did not see the homeless encampments along the freeway like i did a couple years ago when i went that way.  wonder why?  did they just move them somewhere else (is my bet)....

Well Take Care All and God Bless

I did not get a picture of everyone while there???? so am adding this one taken on top of Pilot Butte

Ava is Kevin daughter and she is only up to stay in the summer and want a record of her picture and growth this year..  Kevin, JeriMay, Rylie and Ava

Monday, July 1, 2024

pretty mtns

 I swear, she was just limp. Played with the neighbor dog, and ran and ran and ran.

latest thing is grabbing hold of our pant legs and holding on!!! slap at her and kick up my leg and she is persistent..!!! and she is really good with her toys, plays with them, but is not chewing them up to get all the stuffing out of them. and runs about the house carrying them in her mouth, don't know how she does that w/o tripping.. she is getting better coordinated too, which is good, was worried at first.. but all going well. weighs 3.6# now!!! whoooee.... HA! and has had her 2nd shots.  Got a natural thing for flea, as we are going to the beach and there are fleas over there.. she has not broken out yet and seems ok, which is another good thing.  Have been going to niece's to feed chickens and she is not too very sure of them, but VERY interested in all the poop, so have to chain her up while i am in the pen seeing to things.. which she is not happy with, but she can see me, so there is not too much trauma.

It was a beautiful day yesterday, but it is heating up... had to turn on AC... Went to Costco to get things for the trip, hamburger, hot dogs buns and junk food... my Amazon order of books came, which i was thankful for, now i have LOTS to read...

Take Care All and God Bless

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Boy, when she sleeps, she really is out. She is staying awake more and more tho.  the thing she does now that am trying to get her to stop is she jumps and grabs the hem of the pants i have on.. very irritating.  she is really good about just laying down next to my chair when i am in making cards.. or she makes a nest of her toys and naps with them, so cute... i am catching her most all the time just when she needs to go out. so all in all, it is going ok... and of course we get lots of cuteness overload

learning sit and stay, and does fetch :) goes bonkers for Beggin Strips and she lets me sleep or at least go back to bed and continue sleeping until 8-9a . she loves her back yard and just runs and runs and snuffles out all manner of exciting things to chew...  we have some crows that drop their 'catch' in the yard, mainly old bones... there was even one up on the roof one day! 

Oh, i saw the cutest mama duck with 10,  they were certainly moving those tiny feet to keep up.. i was out in the yard watering and did not have my camera

My VISA got hacked, how in the world do they do that ? must have gone somewhere, where someone got the numbers.. my mind certainly does NOT work that way, so have no idea how it happened. but it has been a joy to have to notify everyone of the new # and my Amazon acct is still not working... even tho chged to the new #. so WTH!!! 

Have not been anywhere nor done anything.  I did go see Horizon.... mmmmm it is treated like a continuing story like TV and there are 8-10 different story lines, it was like this one was setting you up for what will follow.  heard many people not happy with it. BUT i quite liked it, love Costner westerns.. and cinematically it was wonderful to see. Beautiful. with lots of ugly, nasty people. and can't see the Indians being quite a philosophical as they were portrayed. I think they had no idea of what was headed towards them. 

And we have a beach vacay planned for over the 4th and the traffic is already horrid... think i will get up early wednesday and try to get over prior to everyone else, even tho can't get into AIRBNB until 4p. can go sit on the jetty and watch people and the waves :) one of my favorite things to do.. am hoping this works out for everyone, and that my hopes for family time work out and it is not a bust... m so looking forward to it.

Had a friend come into the area last week end and that was fun, taking him all about the area to see things.. but one day is really not enough time to get to some of the cooler things to see, like Sisters, headwaters of the Metolius, Green Ridge, Century Drive, McKenzie Pass, Smith Rocks.. BUT the mtns were out in their full glory. and we went to Dandy's (roller skating waitress) for Grand Dandy's and to top of Pilot Butte to look at ALL the mtns..

We did have a grand time, even got some Bonta gelato and got to see friend Carol..

So, i guess i have done some 'stuff'

Take Care All and God Bless

Friday, June 7, 2024


 Thursday i went to an estate sale in the Sisters area, way the heck n gone, as my dad would say... but you know, all the way out there there were still houses, people subdivisions.. although they had huge lots... and the house i went to ginormous!!!  with a killer view of a valley and the 3 Sisters in distance and the deck was huge also and had no railings at all... just walk/fall off into that valley below!!! could not believe.... but there were wild flowers and trees and made many stops for pics... and it was actually HOT.. almost worked up a sweat walking from where i had to park car to the house..

Today, Friday, got to take things to the dump! and we have a new dump.. million dollar thing, where u get weighed going in and coming out and have to back into a slot, by directing workers... which would be fine if you are a good backer upper, but i did good... Bri went with me so he hauled all out onto the floor and i guess they get trucks below

then push all the stuff into those trucks and take to where ever they are dumping.. i guess, it is a big two story thing, that u go up a ramp... and on the way out, you need pay attention as there is a stop/go sign for the scale and you don't want to get on the scale with another vehicle or the scale will be weighing the both of you!!!  HA!!!! YES!!!! i did not stop, had to back up behind the stop sign and wait my turn.  This is the most excitement i have had in days and it fairly exhausted me... i was driving and it is a stick, so there is that too. i know how, just is long periods of time in between and it is stressful... But we had over 200# of yard crap in there!!! would never have thought that, but there were two 100# bags of cement that had gotten wet and then hard... so there is that too...

Have been getting ready for the puppy, i had not gotten rid of things this time, so i had most of what i need, but had to go get puppy food. and order collars as she is so much smaller than Finn was.. good old Amazon!

Well, don't know what i hit, isn't this special?

Take Care and God Bless

Thursday, June 6, 2024

D-Day Rememberance

 Want to honor my dad with D-Day.. he went in at Omaha Beach 6-6-44.. had MUCH more to say about his time in England before.. and the total destruction of St Lo, France....

He never really talked about his experience.. Just a long walk :) and since he drove log truck they had him driving trucks  of  the Holocaust camp survivors when they were found/released (can't think of the word)

He said they did what they had to do, then came home and 'got on with it' which i assume means life/marriage/work/kids...

Wish i had sat him down and recorded things. altho i did get him a couple books, one was a Spielberg one of Saving Private Ryan, where i underlined things i wanted to say to him and inserted pictures he had of the guys on leave... he only read a couple pages and couldn't do any more , he started crying... this was much later in his life and things were hitting him, about his own mortality. 

This is on their honeymoon in June, 1946 at Rockaway Beach... We always went back there and still do to this day!!  This 4th of July fam going again, renting a airbnb... wish i had those sunglasses... mom was a dark brunette and dad had red hair!! the area where they are at, behind them, is now all forested.

There have been many changes in the years that even I have been going there, but it still retains an old world, 50's sort of vibe and not as popular as Lincoln City or Seaside area.. which is fine with me... depending on the time you go, sometimes you can be on the beach and be the only one there...

This picture looks like it is deteriorating.  This was before they married, day was always proud that he took this picture!! (he had a camera he got in Germany, which i still have, hanging on the wall of my closet, as he always kept it that way)

One more... this was Fathers Day 1957... At Cape Lookout near Tillamook. By this time 3 kids 10, 5 and 2... and he went for an early morning walk on the beach and came back with a HUGE glass ball.. it was very exciting!!! don't know where that went, probably one of the brothers has it.

These pictures were in photo album mom had put together, the only one, and the black pages were falling out and the little black  corners all coming off the page, so i took it and redid it and not have a nice memory of the early black and white years!!!  and so very glad i have them.

They were both great people, worked hard all the time.  Dad drove log truck for most of his life, Mom went back to school when i was in the 5th grade, graduated the same year i did from middle school, then started teaching 4th grade, which she did for most of her career..

They were faithful followers of Culver sports when both boys were in high school..

Love them both dearly... they would be so amazed at their great grands and the changes in Redmond and Bend...

Take Care and God Bless All

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Mom's iris, they are very fragrant!!

The white lilacs were beautiful

The Dutch Iris are abundant this year!!

Just some of the goings on in the yard this week.  we still are having now so good weather.. was 81 yesterday but today much cooler and grey/overcast BUT no rain. heaven forbid we get some rain.. not doing much, reading... Camino Ghosts by Grisham is really good! as is Bill Maher new book... saw him on some guest show and he said some interesting things, so had to see what else he had to say, Very interesting, don't agree with all, but most....

Getting things ready for the puppy.. get her saturday!!! then will be no more staying up till 2-3 am and sleeping in till 11am!!! But you know, don't really like to do that as the day is almost gone by the time you get around to moving and then time for dinner.. geez.. want to do more with my time and day..

doing lots of yard clean-up. will it never stop!!! bet the neighbors think i am crazy, doing my hoe patrol looking for weeds!!!

Take Care All and God Bless