Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 Had pre-exam prior  to Sade being spayed and she has TWO canine teeth on both sides, the baby teeth did not fall out!  i am opening a Go Fund Me page for that  little visit, geez..    at least i got insurance for her, so will get something back...?

Also been having issues with swallowing and general unease in throat area so yesterday had my endocsopy appt and the stomach made for the bariatric procedure has moved upwards into my esophagus . will have a doc appt to "discuss" options..  well, geez, double geez... can't they just shove it back? maybe that is one of the options... in the meantime, i am thoroughly chewing everything!

we had some lovely days, could even leave my door open all day, one day... but now not so   lovely, grey days are upon us..


Made a crib blanket for the new baby last week... it went pretty well, only had to rip out two places... did not show the whole thing as Sue does such a great job of quilting... I would surely lack in comparison,  i just do long/short squares, backing and machine binding....  there is no joy in tiny/tiny pieces for me... just have a job, get er done..... but it looks nice and was done with love. so there is that.. it was a kit from a quilt store, so all the material already picked out.

Take Care all and God Bless

Finished a Karen Slaugther book, Why We Lied that was really good mystery.. did not figure it out... but then i never do.. Oh an it was a Will Trent novel, i guess there is a TV show, will have to check it out

Monday, February 17, 2025


 Here we be... the last entry got cut off, don't what was happening with the system here.  the new computer is working well, no snafus for me at least. our snow is for the most part gone... went to Sisters Sunday, needed to get out.  took some scraps for the chickens. they are always happy to see me.  they had alot more snow than we did down here in the 'flats' and once i got off the pavement back into their place, it was a little dicey in some places.. slippery mostly. and in the shade of course.

Yesterday was the 1st day that Sade went out into the yard, she stayed mostly where i had swept. but she can walk on the top of the snow! and most was melted down to almost nothing. she has not been happy with her yard.. 

Went to Bend today, had to go to Carter's!! they have the cutest, most durable looking/feeling clothing..  then to the Quilt Basket as i want to make a quilted baby  blanket, the pattern is just different sized squares, i should be able to handle that and quilt in the joining.. it is bear themed material and really cute, got a kit, all the material had already been cut except for the backing, that was extra  , of course! but 15% off if bought on same day as got the kit..  so that was good. also got a couple smaller projects to begin and get in the groove, so to speak. i guess making the receiving blankets should have done that. Then had to go to TJ Max and get a basket, or something to put all of this in and found a cute laundry  canvas basket thing that will work and be useful, i hope.

Also went to see friend, Carol.. took her some mail to burn in her stove.  when i was taking the paper she used that to start her woodstove, but i stopped that, so  now am saving mail and papers we don't need. we chatted for awhile as had not seen her since b4 the snow, so   that was fun...

This computer does not heat up at all and the keys are bigger, too. win-win

Have a bunch of appointments this week and once again have to go to Walgreens, wait in line twice to get my calcitrol, which has run out again.  AND has anyone  had refunds from medicare cut drastically, i pay a certain amount for chiropractor then medicare and my co-insurance pay a portion of that back to me, and that has halved what it was last year...  i guess i should be glad i get any back and there will be more to claim for medical on taxes, but geez.. then am supposed to go to Seaside for a basketball tournament but may end up staying to care for the dogs and chickens as they are having a hard time finding someone, and Kevin needs to go more than me. which i really don't mind, being helpful in that way -it is just SO boring being there in someone else's house, by myself.. and nothing to do.. maybe i will start a crochet project to keep me busy.. want to do a white thread doily for neighbor dining table for next xmas

Almost March already.. the 2nd is my Mom's birthday .  she has been gone almost 20 years, that seems impossible



 She is getting to to be such a pretty Doxie. Her coloring is getting darker and her chest bigger. and she is staying small overall.  she is done with her first heat, so have to make appointment to have her spayed. hopefully mid March.

She trys so hard to understand what i say to her, tilts her head back and forth, especially when i am explaining to her how she is supposed to behave, contrary to how she is behaving, it is so darn cute!! and she looks right at me

Its 8:30pm and she is already asleep.. went to the couch as i was moving around too much for her.  She has certainly done her job, filling the hole in my heart.

Well, guess that is it.

Take Care and God Bless

And God Bless the USA


Saturday, February 15, 2025


 We have had snow and freezing weather for a week now..  not fun.  i have not had to drive anywhere but around town, here, so it was not too bad, but some days i would get out and nothing was done to the roads at all!!  i don't think a plow has been down our road at all.  We never did get   LOTS tho, just enough to be miserable. Brian had to shovel twice.  and Miss S would NOT go poop outside, nope, not at all.  she would go out there and whine and shiver.. i even swept off area for her to go into. She will NOT go out to an area where i have not swept

Monday, February 10, 2025


Have been going to alot of basketball games, in support of grand-niece . we lose most of the time, but some we shine! that is her on the free throw line.. she is quite an aggressive player.. those girls, alot of them are.  some even savage, i swear!!! but it is fun to watch and get to spend time with my niece and her hubs. so, win-win

Going with the to a tournement, next week in Seaside.. it will be quite the trip to get there, what with the snow and all, if it is still here...  but, i am not driving, so  it will be fine and i can just sit there and sight see. I got a new computer at the local computer shop . and it is working quite well, the one i have was over 13 yrs old and  windows 10 was running out on it, so here we are.  got the same thing HP and running programs, so i don't get too confused, the keyboard is a bit different and am having a time, as memory  is taking over, all those years doing one thing and now have to do another, ah, well, this will keep me sharp, right? 

 and the little stinker is still going strong, she is a good little traveler tho, had a blood draw today and took her with me and it took forever becuz, of course, the doc orders were not there and had to call and the tech had to leave messages for them numerous times to tell them i was waiting!! hello, anyone there??? they did finally come thru and little Sade was shivering in the car, but staying in her seat, i was a little shocked, but pleased...

then tonight, she peed in the house, it is snowing here and has been for a week off and on and she does NOT want to go outside, just sits there and howls at the cold and me, to let her in... geez, what a prima dona... will she never learn? 

I wanted a little dog that would lay in my lap and that is sure what i got as that is all she wants to do, that and eat MY food .. when weather breaks, we are going to get into walking and get some exercise .. just hope that is something she will get used to... she sure won't get used to the harness or wearing sweaters

this computer does not heat up either, like the old one did and just shut off... no heating.. noticed it has no CD  insert place... suppose things have changed and you can just download stuff.  am thinking of finally, maybe, getting a printer.. not color and a laser one, apparently they are really good and no ink to have to continually replace

not doing color only reason to need that is for printing photos and Snapfish and other things, GOOGLE prints are so cheap and fast,  don't think i need the color and don't need to be printing pictures' and i order those books, i love those and have many, don't know what Brian will do with them all...

 got a new stamp set, "Mixed Media Flowers" and have been making cards like crazy. like sitting  here and coloring them... don't know where that little dog in the left corner came from!!! oh.. i know, it is a part of the paper under neath

Not much going on , am reading "Lacuna" by Barbara Kingsolver and it is sloooow going, it is interesting, especially near the end, but boy.. and need to finish it as it was a xmas gift... that's about it.. still  watch TV alot.... but i did get my Alexa and been listening to music while reading and stamping and leave it on for Sade when i leave.  like that is brings up my calendar from the phone and lets me know about upcoming appointments.. its another thing that probably does alot more than i have it doing

Take Care All and God Bless

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 Today i have things.... went to a paint class last nite, hence the picture to the right!

Today i got up at 7am!!! as had to be a senior center at 9 to get a number to set appt for taxes... NO i do not do them myself, are you kidding? that is just too much angst.. and i got #73... yes there were that many people there... AND the lady said there was coffee and something else, did not hear her.. so suppose this was an instance that i should have had hearing aides in... at the table there were trays with fruit cups and milk... so i thought about it, did not have breakfast. and that fruit cup looked good... so i opened one and immediately one of the senior center people was on me !!!! those were for the meals on wheels and now they were short one!!! She would have to go get another one!!! i profusely apologized!!!  Geez!! bad me!!! 

 then i went to feed store and got more bird seed and when i got home refilled all the feeders!!  Then i washed the basket on the back of my toilet.  As you can probably figure i did alot of things that needed to be done today it makes me feel good to get all of those things done.  Gave Miss Sade a bathe and she was really good, was pleasantly surprised, even seemed to enjoy the warm water!!! And after her being in heat, she was a stink bomb.. Yesterday she got her nails done again and she was even better with that, surprise, surprise.  she has been beyond unruly every time she went in.

basket on back of toilet... got the cross stitch at an estate sale,, i like collecting them. someone spent alot of time with it and it meant something to someone once upon a time. Then replenished the TP in both bathrooms,  it is a chore you know to get it from the garage and into the house. then i put a gloss on my white hair, so that it will GLOW in sunshine, hahahaha

Also when i was downtown, there was a parking spot free, right in front of the computer shop. so it was time to order a new one.  had told myself if there was a spot, i would stop.  my Windows expires in October, and it was too much to think about, so going to just go ahead and get a new lap top.  i have had this one for at least 13 years, so it has given me lots of use.  and thought would get one b4 all the NEW tariffs went into effect and i would no longer be able to afford one. and i know, i know, should look about and price and get a DEAL.. but i like to support local businesses ans not give money to a BIG BOX store. AND they take care of me, if something happens, it goes down and they will fix it, if i can't figure something out, they will help me.  And the owner is a friend of Brians.  so there are my reason/thoughts about that.

Tomorrow i have a basketball game in Sisters to go to and get nails redone.. SO this is life...

I am in a reading slump.  Am reading Barbara Kingslover, Lacuna, but it is slow going , so am also reading a romance, cuz that usually jumps me into wanting to read something literary or meaningful HeeHee and then i can finish the other.  Also finished 7 seasons of "Younger"  on Netflix, which i thoroughly enjoyed.. which was a sappy romance. and it was short 25 minutes each . and could watch it in bed and not get scared out of my wits or worried about life, just calm, happy, funny...

and here is a picture of little miss.  if i let my legs/feet hang over the end of foot rest, she attacks them and wrestles around trying to get them, i guess, who knows. and here i am telling her that i don't like this and she is to stop and she is trying to understand what i am saying.. isn't she just the most darling?

Take Care All and God Bless

Saturday, January 18, 2025


 Sade likes apples, but apparently NOT the skins.. they have some apple on then too.   she had them flung all over the place and trailed into the living room.  she even chewed on some then spit them out!! We have had some unseasonably nice weather and it dried out enough that i was able to rake up the last of the leaves, the lilac tree is late and then there are always ones that catch and pool in corners of the yard.  and it was fun to get out and have some exercise that has results... 

Been going to basketball games that are in Redmond (for Rylie) It is always fun to watch them. such a shit show sometimes, and it sure is different from when i remember high school basketball.. they don't have to acknowledge their fouls and the girls fight over the ball two or more get hold of it and pull and push and grab, even falling to the floor and grappling, it is strange and does not seem very sportsmanlike. 

got the garbage all mixed up and did not have the recycle emptied for a month!!! so had lots of boxes from xmas and deliveries we have had. so broke them all down and got them into the can for next time, once w got rid of what was in there!!!  that Amazon is so great, just find everything on there! but have gotten so used to it don't know if i want to or could even stop.... i mean, really, in protest of stupid Bezos 

I have stopped FB for awhile to ween myself and to protest Zuckerberg and his shenanigans, i mean, really.  It seems as if i live in a constant state of impending doom and wondering what is going to happen next.

My niece sends me great photos of the mtns.. sometimes daily. she is out and about all the time, school and games and practice for dance and basketball.....   She is preggars!!!! due the end of April, it is very exciting and there are so many things you can order on line.. have to stop that, wait to see what she needs or wants..

Watched all of Outlander 7th season, and Landman, which was great... Billy Bob sure knows how to deliver a line.  also assorted movies and other series... Younger on Netflix is cute and there are like 4 seasons.. Now i'm watching Discovery, a Star Trek series.... i have too many streaming channels going, have to cut that down! hahaha... Also got an alexa for the music.... it is nice to just sit here, reading and listen to 60's or whatever just tell it what you like and i have the whole world of music at my finger tips, so to say.... don't have to use my fingers.... its like Google, ask it anything, except she answers me... :)  

Been making cranberry and popcorn garland for xmas trees for gifts next year, out of yarn and wooden beads... it is fun to do and not much thinking, just same thing over and over.  got some pretty flannel to make some receiving blankets (its a girl!)  

So i've been making myself busy, doing things, but all things where i am just sitting... have to get the get up and go.  oh!!! and sade is in heat... OMG.. i think the worst is over, even her little tibbies got all swollen.. they wanted her to go thru the 1st heat, growth and hormones or something, but would rather not ever do that again...  we never did that with Luci.. so that was an excuse to not walk as could not take her out, or was afraid to.  We did go to a park a couple of times and walked around the perimiter and into some woods.. but NO other dogs were around.... the neighbors have two males, the are fixed, but still, she runs over to the fence then sits there and whines,,, little hussy...

That it for now, Take Care and God Bless

I know you want to see a picture of her when she is sweet...

Thursday, January 2, 2025


 Sade found the project i have been working on and what a mess, so spent some time getting that sorted.. Fun!

Have been doing nothing, reading, a Balducci mystery. and watching TV.. mini series i can find on the multitude of streaming services i have signed myself up for. There is always one thing that is advertised that i just HAVE to watch, then forget about it and just keep getting charged.  have to go into that and fix.  Got the house back to normal.  have NO interest in cooking... so been snacking and having lean cuisine... wonder how LEAN it really is? rummage thru amazon and go down a number of rabbit holes with that.. keeps me busy.  Play crack trivia with 3 other people. One, Guthrie who is 18? i . can. not. beat!! get close, then she swoops in and wins, like she is toying with me. letting me get some right, eventually, and have a feeling of jubilance for a short while.. then squash, it is gone!!!

Got a new blanket for xmas and Sade thinks it is hers and makes a neat little circle bed for herself each night... It is raining out, been grey and dull for days now.  I think there was a good sunrise a couple days ago, had gotten up for bathroom, put Sade out and it was all yellow out there! other than that, the day matches my mood, so sit in here and entertain myself.  think i am going to start making some quilts for posterity.. and there is an easy pattern for receiving blankets and bibs. (did i mention my niece is preggers due end of April. another girl) it is very exciting... lots of cute little girl things out there. and dolls and stuffed frogs!!

I finally ordered an Alexis thingy from amazon and signing up for music and podcasts that i can listen to while sewing.... don't really need to watch anything and can just listen and sew away, am looking forward to it,,

Hope all is well with all of you Take Care and God Bless