Monday, November 26, 2012


I am truly blessed to have people in the world that care enough to comment and try to make me feel better about my life :)  Thank you so very, very much!!!!


  1. The comments make a bigger difference than most people realize.

  2. I have come to realize how much they mean to me. Gypsy is right they do make a big difference. So I try and comment as much as I can. Makes me get to know all of you better too.

  3. I'm with Tammy. I try to comment as much as I can. I know first hand how much it helps. We are all doing the best we can but it is wonderful to know folks care enough to take the time to connect.

  4. I am just catching up with reading blogs. I am so sorry you had to deal with all those issues over Thanksgiving. I do hope for her sake she does grow up and try to get along. Sad part is she is the first teacher for her child.
