Thursday, October 9, 2014

Turkey with Buds!!

Had a turkey in the freezer from not last year but the year before and it was time to get it OUT of there.  So invited the brothers and we had turkey/dressing/mashed potatoes (which were lumpy, Mom would have been appalled), sweet pickled veggies n beets, rolls and harvest bread (with pumpkin, pecans, oats)  It was all very good and I made a decent gravy that all commented on and they finished it off.  It is a long a sordid story with me and gravy and maybe I have FINALLY gotten it!!!  We watched the Colts/Texans game, just like football on Thanksgiving Day.. hahaha  they had to leave before the end tho as they had horses/chickens/dogs to feed.....  but they took bags of dressing and turkey with them and the recipe for the curry and rice to make the day after.....
We had a lovely time..
Take Care All


  1. Sounds like a great meal and a good time. I like my mashed potatos lumpy and only use the hand masher.

  2. Lumps is how you know the spuds didn't come out of a box!
