Monday, March 20, 2017


NOW I have osteoporosis.... when had ankle surgery, the doc felt my bones were 'spongy' so had to have dexascan, now undergoing tests and what not... so now, another thing...geez..... low thyroid, COPD, stomach issues... what else?? This getting older, ageing,  falling apart.. I just don't want to be taking anymore meds.... I thought I got rid of all of that when had the gastric bypass, lost weight and no longer have high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, aches and pains in feet, ankles, knees, hips... (due to weight)  is there always a trade off?  at least I no longer have that set of issues IN ADDITION to these new ones.... I guess..... and I DO still wake up every morning and am able to get around on my own for the most part..... as of the 21st Feb :)
There is more daylight, Spring is coming, got daffodils up, crocus too!! It is getting warmer all the time. So there is light at the end of that dark Winter tunnel and the miasma of recovery from ankle fracture and I am happy.. to be able to go on day by day by week by month by year....
Take Care All and God Bless


  1. Some one sure did lie about the Golden Years!

  2. Yes ma'am. They sure did have a joke on us. Fie on old age!

  3. Well, you talked yourself out of that one, despair to gratitude!
