Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TV Tuesday

Pretty flowers altho these are a bit over the hill

Pretty little girl, Guthrie, almost 4 years old
Today was tv day, last nite WalMart did NOT have a digital converter box, so this morning i had to find one, radio Shack had them but they were what i thought was expensive so i spent money on gas driving around to Best Buy, Target, Staples and of course i had to FIND these places, i accidentally stumbled on the right Walgren's where some prescriptions were waiting for me. am slowly getting the roads down, it helps that i have been here 3 other years and remember, sort of :) had to be here at 3:30p for the wiring guy to install, and of course i had to go to Radio shack as they were the only ones that had any!!!! of the boxes that i needed to get tv without cable, with just the antennae. BUT i now have TV!!!!! when i move then will have to disconnect if they have cable and redo things, wonder if i will remember how to do it???? and the place in Florida does have cable tv, thank heavens, hopefully it will not cause me fits.
i get lots of channels in the bedroom and only 4 in the living area, weird, but there are trees in the front of the RV and we are thinking that is the problem, i like laying in bed in any case watching so it works out fine.

It is really hot and sultry here, we had a bit of rain, and it is windy, had to put the awning away for awhile as was worried about it flapping, and the neighbors is laying on the ground ripped off, not recently, it has been there the whole time i have been here, but it had to happen some time and don't want that to happen to me!!! AC been running for 2 days now :)

going to go for a swim after supper

Hope you all have a good time watching TV tonight, think of me

Take Care and God Bless

Monday, August 30, 2010

Isn't this the cutest little boy ever? I mean Really??? and he is soooo laid back, never have heard him cry, he got frustrated a couple of times, but no out and out cry, even with a full load in his diaper, just as calm and pleasant as ever he could be!! always a smile and he has started laughing /giggling too..... 5 months old, born March 2nd, my mom's birthday... just a pleasure to be around and watch..
Carol and i fixed dinner for the family tonight. Meatloaf and potato salad, a fav of the Dad's. Luci was sooo tired being around little kids, she had never seen a baby before and she had a human right on her level and he smelled so wonderful, all those baby smells and of food. Laithe was a little unsure of her at 1st, but oh, he wanted to touch her! and Luci wanted to lick and lick all she wanted (NOT that we let her) she came home, waited for me to lift the covers on the bed for her and have not seen her since :) every once in a while a big sigh comes from her direction. Laithe's sister, Gutherie wanted to walk Luci and RUN with her, so Luci was not able to just rest and sleep the afternoon away. We had a really good time and Carol fixed apple cobbler with vanilla ice cream, REALLY good, uuummmm..........
Hope you all have extended family to see you thru the days
and may you all Take Care and God Bless

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Mkt

Went to the local Saturday Market right on the Mississippi River!!!! Got local tomatoes, that are wonderful and then Missouri peaches, which are really the very best thing. Got warm today, but we had a good day, had to get up at 7:30 am for the market so we both took a nap in the mid day heat. :)
y'all take care and God Bless

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mississippi River at LeClaire, Iowa

Today i did chores, : laundry, put wheel covers on, hooked up the sewer hose and dumped, then left it on for the grey water
Then we went to LeClaire to a really cool fabric store, got material for a pillow case!!! cute-cute then to Borders to look at magazines, grocery shop and to Carol's to cook dinner, watched a little HGTV then home again, here i be.. to read and blog
Hope you all have a good day.
weather: Fall feeling, cool breezes, but the ladies in the office say it is going to pick up in heat in a couple days.....
Roadkill report: right in East Village on highway by the Mississippi a poor lonely rabbit

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Family in Davenport

My space in Davenport...
Geese Heading home-beautiful clouds

Guthrie and blue sprinkles!!!

Here i am with baby Laithe, 5 mos old and very sure of himself

Monday, August 23, 2010

AC is now working, don't ask me why, friend Dave said some things, i flipped the switch a couple times...pray for me and it to continue!!!!! so miserable w/o it!!! went for a swim and cooled down came back and Luci was howling, not barking.... howling, she can't do that i have to go to the store or out to eat and leave her and she HAS to behave.... she had been going to hide in the bedroom, maybe i will close her off in there..... little poop head

Oh, My

it is warm here.. could not find the tv cable hook up, well they don't have cable but there are 5 channels i can get just on my antennae, the big stations, so will have to do, the swim pool closes at dark, well that is when i like to go in, in the cover of darkness!!!! and my ac is not working, it did last night, had a good night, but now it has bagged, so maybe needs some of that fri-on stuff??? i hope it is an easy fix and i can find someone to do it, can't see me clambering around up there, i slept till 9a when Carol came knocking. Luci was excited that some one knew us! then put up awning, chairs ,made sun tea, took a knap, got mcdonalds.. to enervated, lazy with heat to DO anything really, then it started getting warm in here Check Spellingand knew ac was fritzy. send friend Dave e-mail as i know he is driving back to Tehachapi today and don't know if he does it all at once or not, so don't want to bother when he is driving...
went over and talked to the neighbor, who is rather slothful, shuffling in and out and about the place,
long grey pony tail, he is not charming and barely could get a word out, but they are leaving mid October also, so they will be my neighbors the whole time, going to Brownsville Texas, not going to stay in winter that is for sure, he says. has 3 cats, so DeeDee i did try! but this guy will not win any awards for elocution and the wife is in the house all the time, what can you do in there? all the time?
I venture out a bit, maybe i will get a chance with her, eventually...
have the little fan i brought blowing on me full on and am not yet dripping sweat :)
hope you are all safe and cool!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

last nite

i stayed in Gothenberg, NE and let me tell you it was memorable, no tv, no internet and 96 degrees with NO breathe of air!! AND the electricity in the rv went off and i could not get hold of anyone and could not figure it out myself....sob....sob so Luci panted and i sweated, horribly. passed out on the bed, woke at the crack of down and drove for about 3 hours until it was a decent hour, air conditioner in rv worked with motor running. not the BIG one on top tho.. then i finally got hold of friend Dave, who was on vacation and answered my ??? and solved the problem!!!!!! but had to wait until i stopped and was plugged in to see if it really worked!!!
I DID get to Davenport, got the car unhooked, backed up the rv, as the guy who helped said i had to learn this :) AND the air did NOT work, called friend Dave, who is still on vacation, is he not patient tho...sort of like Job. I once AGAIN forgot to flip the switch on the electric pole, if you remember i did this also on my 1st outing when bringing the rv to Central Oregon, ran back into the rv and i have AIR, also asked about the not functioning frig, the sewer problem and the oil gage, and got all of those things solved.. see, i told you he was a saint!!!!
i'm happy, clean and COOL (it is HOT here, muggy)
(ROADKILL REPORT; this is sunday, saw two coyotes near Iowa City no less and a couple racoons. saturday: a sage hen, could tell by the splay of feathers, and an antelope...aw-sad, Friday: rabbits were not faring too well at all, lots of them and two deer right near one another, probably the same car, and an odd assortment of skunks, weird. and i apologize for being behind in this important and vital report, but now we are all up to date !!! :)
I am all tucked in Luci is asleep, my friend i came to see is working until 7 or 8am and then she will stop by.
I hope all is well with your world, Take Care and God Bless

Friday, August 20, 2010

Today is Tenacity

Stopped here today to have my Passport Book stamped!!! for National Parks Sys and it was quite interesting , they have found all of these tropical skeletons in the rocks, leaves and plants, dragon flies, all kinds of things that life was built on, right here, in the desert, well it is now, wasn't then apparently :) a guy was sitting there and painstakingly getting a fossil out of rock in a little room there, he had all of these high tech drills and brushes and whatnot, not like the early guys had... it was an interesting place

Aren't these lovely, they are all over and so tenacious too!!!

Look at the roots/trunk of this tree, what is has had to go thru to grow and still be there

I have just kept driving, I am very tired, when it gets to bad i do stop and walk around the rv a couple times, make sure it is holding together :) and take stock that i am too. My neck and shoulders are so stiff, i keep telling myself to relax...then another freight truck whizzes by, inches from me!!! I swear they go soooo fast and just take up road. i do notice tho that they do get over, i hope it is not because i am wobbling all over the road, i think i have found my grove, albeit shaky as it is.
You know you can click on the picture to make them bigger then you can see the roots/trunk better
Hope you all are holding on too !!!! Take Care and God Bless

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The top picture i was stopped at road construction and my that cloud was black!!! the 2nd pic is completely illegal and will not be trying that again as it was scary having one hand off the steering wheel, but the clouds were very pretty, think if i decide i can't stand it have to have a pic will just stop by the side of the road then i will probably get a ticket for non emergency.
we had a little thunder bumper and pouring rain for about 10 minutes, the people across the way ran out and used the rain to scrub down their trailer :( good idea but i thought it weird...
Also want to comment on all the road kill, think i need to start counting. yesterday was a BIG day for the coyote!!! my there must have been a dozen at least, a calf (sad) deer and porcupines were high too, and that would be no fun for the driver, they move so slow, i have heard. today we have more porky's and skunks, maybe it is the area you are in. but it is interesting when you you are trying to notice things, and all of these were easily identifiable, so there..... even at 55mph.
i am at Lava Hot Springs KOA but the springs are down the road and you have to pay to get in, so won't be going there, altho i DO love hot springs, would have to undo the car (it was at least a mile guys) and am not doing that either, but guess i do have to slog my way back up to the registration desk as they had rubber band guns and brother Jerry is all hot to trot to have one, so, but at least it is cool....
Hope you all had a good day and uneventful, too. Take Care & God Bless

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

On the road

Luci was quite perturbed about having to get up. left at 7am, believe me that is something for me and took me until 2;30p to get to Caldwell. called a place from the rest stop on the idaho side by the Snake River and am staying at Caldwell RV. just an ok place.. hotter than anything here and with the air running now for a couple hours it stay at 80 in here!!! geez. not on high tho, maybe i should try that.....
i have to take time to eat.... i just want to keep going and started getting really tired, so just stopped. it was pretty uneventful, except my XM radio would NOT work... that i just had installed!!!! so i called them, Sargents in Bend, it says to check the antenna, well that would be great but it is on TOP of the Rv driver's side, i told him that was a little inconvenient as i was almost to Burns and could not just whip in there to have it fixed, he said to get up there and just jiggle the wire, that is what he had to do to get it to start, WHAT??? one would think you would want it to start another way, i have no step ladder. It worked when i went to Sisters.
So if it cools some tonight i may get on my little 3 step ladder and see if i can stretch myself and "jiggle" the wire.
well, going to nap
the 1st day was good
God Bless

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Isn't this cool? this person/lady? does this every year on Clark Drive in Madras!
Well i am all loaded, just have to remember freezer stuff and get the bike in the back of the pick-up. have been driving a half block with the car loaded to the hilt, unpack and drive back, i am sure the neighbors think i am highly lazy, but i figured it was faster and easier on myself this way :) and it was in the high 90's today and sultry, trying the lightning, but nothing yet of any consequence. so i was HOT and sweaty, have showered/powdered and am ready for bed, making a list of last minute things, i even remembered to take the pine cones for all the Iowa people, who apparently don't have any of those....
wish me well and ya'll Take Care and God Bless

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wheat Look's Ready!

It was a nice drive to Madras today, the wheat looks ready to me, but what do i know?
Mountain on bottom is Mt Jefferson, on top 3 Sisters in the hazy background
Another day of getting ready to go, i won't be ready a day early and it is scorchingly HOT!!! with hardly a breeze, the RV is just sitting out in the sun and is just hotter than you know what to work in. but have frig on and it is loaded with a couple days of provisions and i keep running back and forth putting 'stuff' ' in :) wonder if it will be able to move when i am done, i am keeping an eye out to NOT put in things i really don't need and have had DeeDee help me with that as she is good doing that even if she does not practice what she preaches :)
So am still aiming on Wednesday to leave.....
Take Care all

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Today i drove to Redmond, parked at Albertson's, met my Good friend Tanya (at right) and went to see the movable Vietnam Wall Memorial closing ceremonies, it was very moving. Hotter than blazes, but moving ceremony. Had bagpipes and retired the Colors. Luci survived in the RV while we were gone. BUT some a**** parked right in front of me!!! so i had her watch the hitch while i slowly backed up to get space to get around and out. Which i successfully did. NOW just have to get everything ready. I bought an American and U.S. Navy flag and i am going to get a flagpole that i saw advertised that hooks right on the ladder to the roof! That will be cool, when i am parked, may elicit some conversations with rv'ers.

Everyone Take Care & God Bless, think of our soldiers out tonight and all fallen ones

Sisters KOA

Left today, takes me about 1 1/2 hour to get myself and the RV ready for travel. All went well!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good Pig!!!

Had a really nice day, got the holding tank sanitized, i think, at least i went thru all the steps and the water did not smell any longer. then to Sisters for some power birthday shopping for a friend. Back to the KOA, got ice!!!! took a nap, then DeeDee and Kay showed up for the pig roast and shortly after JeriMay, so i had a full house, BUT we sat outside under the awning and talked and talked and laughed, then to the roast, the pig was there and he was whole!!!! at least i like to think it was a him :), head, teeth and all!!! BUT it was really yummy..... had potato salad, cold slaw, watermelon & blueberries, hamburgers, hotdogs, should you want them, beans, great bbq sauce to put on pig, even had pie for dessert!!! we shared a table with people from Alaska!!!! it was fun, then the band started and they were loud, not bad, but they sounded much better when we got back to the RV, does that mean we are old???? then sat and talked and laughed some more, all left and i went for a dip in the pool and sat in the hot tub for a bit and here i am
wishing you all a Take Care AND God Bless
p.s. jerimay helped me hook up the car, but i did most of it!!!
p.p.s. still no downloading of pics :(

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sisters KOA

OK, i got all the 'things' fixed on the rv.. stabilizer bushings, check, xm radio, check, backup camera, check (well, who would have known that you have to have the AUX battery ON for the stuff to work inside the rv, :) like i said when i started, this is a steep learning curve) horn, check ( blown fuse is all) detail the outside, check, it really, really looks nice, not older paint at all, and spiffs up everything to a degree that it does not look derelict, not that it really did, but it does look really, really nice, i took a pic but they won't download to blogger for some reason. Got the p-up all hooked up, with son's help, and telling him nicely that it really did no good and served no purpose to curse and yell at me :) even tho he did not know what to do, i did and would he listen to me, i would tell him and it would go much easier, faster and nicer. Mothers are always right, i think we looked like one of those commercials/cartoons for dysfunctional people
i got gas, gulp.. and drove 1/2 hour to get to Sisters :) and i was exhausted, after setting up, and had to nap for a bit, before went into town to have dinner with my sweet niece, who has yet another tattoo!!!! geez, louise she is getting a batch of them, but they all mean something
Had my dentist appointment moved up to today!!! by the dental office, soooo i think i can get out of here a day early :) may leave on tuesday instead of wednesday. have basically everything done, just have to get my 'hobby' stuff in here and clean my space at the house, bathroom and whatnot, don't want to leave a mess for months... so will rest tomorrow, and go to a pig roast in the evening, then load up, meet friend Tanya in Redmond to go to the closing ceremonies for the touring VietNam Memorial, then home and get the final things done and be off... it is really close now.
It is lovely here at the KOA grassy spaces, well apart, tables, fire pits, pool, they even had a person in a cart lead you to your site and explain the hook up, make sure you were parked right to have easy access, it was a nice experience
Take Care y'all

Monday, August 9, 2010

More Lilies!!!

Managed to get it all done today!!! Got the XM radio in the pick-up and the RV (dock only) got the drop hitch and hooked up the pick-up and moved successfully to the detail place. Unhooked and drove home. Now just need to get the part for the stabilizer bushings and i will be all set!

Made reservations at the KOA in Sisters for this weekend. While there i will clean the water holding tank. There is an bad odar in the kitchen sink. OOO, smelly. Had Jerry drain the water out and i read on the RV Travel magazine on line that i need to use bleach, and rinse and dump, so don't feel i can just do that in the street, so will do it there and have some fun too!!!

They said they are having a pig roast and music, so bring my appetite and dancing shoes, HA!

Aren't these flowers lovely? From my friend Nora's garden in Portland.

Y'all Take Care and God Bless

Friday, August 6, 2010


What a day!!! Had to pay again, of course, for the hitch to be installed on a different/new truck, then the height is more substantial, 10 inches from rv bumper to truck bumper, so had to order a 'drop' hitch it will be here Monday 'sometime'. so have to get the pick-up and rv there -again- which involves help from a friend as i can't drive both of them and she can drive neither.
And having the stabilizer bushings checked, i only had half of one and it was sort of hanging on there, so that had to be ordered, comes from Chicago, takes 5 days, didn't have to pay to have it shipped over night as i wasn't leaving that soon anyway, right, so then in 5 days, once again have to have rv at the Custom Coaches place, who does the chassis work, BUT good news, they will let me leave it on their lot and NOT charge storage, and they were very nice and accommodating, and answered all my stupid/weird ???? and i don't have to pay for gas to Madras and back, again. Am trying to find a place to park it for a couple of days because by that time it will only be a couple days b4 i leave....hopefully, and all ready and things in great working order.....
Figure i could even park it on a side street near the house, so that i could get things in there, all the final things i will need, clothes, food, you know.
Launch date is getting very near :)
Oh, the hitch looks good on the pick-up!!!
Hope you all had a better day
Take Care and God Bless

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Busy Week

Have had so many appointments and things to get & do, that have been fairly busy. Had to get the final heartworm meds & flea & tick stuff for Luci. Tomorrow is the motorhome/pick-up shuffle to get the stabilizer bushings looked at and the tow package fixed on both of them. Monday going to get a stereo for the pick-up and XM radio in both of them. I need some entertainment when driving, driving, driving. Got the clothes all taken care of and excess taken to Goodwill, shoes too!
Went to AAA and got all manner of maps and Camp Books and ordered a trip tik for the Davenport, Iowa to Florida portion of the trip. Went to KOA and got a value card and a 2010 directory. I have already joined Good Sam.
I have the RVer's Friend: North American Diesel/parking directory, and Trailer Life Rv Campgrounds and Parks Directory (which must weigh 10#)
Went to the doctor today and everything was good, I am fine and when i call or Walgrens (started getting things there as they appear to have pharmacies nationwide, i have noticed them where ever i have been, did business with them last year in Davenport and they were very understanding and accommodating) calls for renewal of prescriptions they will renew, just have to make an appointment when i return. :)
So next week i just have to get together my crocheting/sewing/stamping supplies w/o going overboard and overloading.
So, i think, i have thought of everything to be prepared, probably something will come up, or something i don't know yet, but have done the best i can think of .
Hope you all had a great week and will have a good one to come
Take Care and God Bless

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

I am cleaning my closet and getting clothes together for leaving. What a mess. I have always had a 'thing' with clothes and apparently can't have enough of them. LOVE getting new clothes. But this is ridiculous, there are WAY too many. But i like to have choices and at the same time am trying to really pare down and have only, really, what i need.

But it is stressful, shall i keep or get rid of, let it go, let it go.....

We are having wonderful, HOT weather, getting into the 90's this week

You all have fun, Take Care and God Bless