Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New truck

Here is my new truck, soon to be my 'toad' a towed vehicle behind a motorhome. Mom always said if you had too much of something you were poor, i am car poor. all these vehicles and no place to call my own, to live in, well i suppose you could call the RV that, as i will soon be living in it. but it is by no stretch a house. It is a nice little truck and i think my brother and i did good, time will tell.
I slept in the rv last night, it was fun. it was such a nice day and the breeze was blowing in madras, on the way to Gateway. they were baling hay across the road and you could hear the steady thump-thump. he was out quite late too! the smell was wonderful, clean air and fresh hay that has lain for awhile in the sun. my lovey by my side. we had a good time
THEN this morning, the compacter started up, they are also grading said road, the sun came up the horses wanted to be fed and a loooong train went by, bellowing at each intersection of all the little roads with no railroad gate at the crossing, sooooo, it was time to get up, way earlier than my normal 9 or 10 am!!!! but i had gone to bed/sleep earlier too, all that fresh air i guess.
Hope y'all had a good nite too!!!
Take Care and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. ...very nice Loree! Guthrie saw an RV today and she got so excited and said 'there is a RV like Nana Lolee'! Ahh..to smell those smells, I would love it!
