Today was chore day, why did i leave it for a week end??? just worked out that way, all week has been more or less playing and now i had to do 'stuff' like laundry. Run to Camping world, yet again. this time to get the propane tank. finally screwed up my courage and asked for help from the people in the office and 'Joe' was more than happy to do it, after his wife volunteered him! HA!! He got it figured out and the auxiliary tank is hooked up, guess i still had 3/4 of a tank left, but now i know how to read the gage :) geez!!! and will have more than enough propane if nights turn cold and i need it. That and the laundry were about all i did, i guess, but i did alot of puttering. Made the bed, getting that bottom sheet on there is a REAL hassle, knuckle bruising, swearing affair.
Now i am ready for mindless TV and starting another book.
Have a good Sunday all, take Care and God Bless
Were the Russian planes part of the Blue Angels show? I think those pilots have a whole lot more courage than I have.
do you have a Kindle??