Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Record Broke!!!

It got to 102 today in Redmond!!!  Broke a 1967 record of 101....  this is what I feel like!!!  I KNOW it got much hotter in other places and we barely have humidity, BUT for us... this is something and look forward to cooling trend in next couple of days to high 80's  :).....
Only did some paper work, gave Luci a cool bath, watered yard and flowers.  That is it, oh, read and watch TV in a stupor....
Happy, happy, happy!!!
Take Care All and God Bless... especially those families in Yarnell, AZ
Stay Cool!!!


  1. I'm feeling the same way - can hardly move after 11:00 am. It hasn't been cooling down at night like it usually does from the Sacramento Delta breeze, so mornings are uncomfortably warm starting out. All I can do is dream of cool mountains and streams.

  2. We broke our records also - hit 100 today. thank goodness we are cooling down at night. Found a peanut butter pupsicle recipe for the girls. Let me know if you want it for Carl and Luci.

  3. There's not a lot you can do on days this hot. I think it's going to start cooling off a little in the next few days, at least here at Bluewater Lake. Thank goodness! :)
