Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Fed the dogs about 4pm per normal, good din-din too, left over hamburger gravy added, THEN Brian came home about 5:30p.. I was at yoga and fed the dogs yet again, with some wet dog food added and they ATE it ALL!!!  Dirty little porkers!!!!!  No wonder Luci is getting more and more rounded!!!


  1. I think that the dogs brainwashed Brian!

  2. Oh that is too funny. My girls wish that Jim and I would mess up like that.

  3. Ha ha! Been there, done that. Fed them, David comes home they act starved, he feeds them again. Con artists for sure. Hope they don't get sick from over eating. That's happened to me too.

  4. Yes, here too. Molly even starts whining around 5 PM knowing that's the time for me to prepare supper for us. She tells us that: pls start supper NOW, because I want the leftovers!
    They are so clever!

  5. Those little monkies! But I'm not surprised. How could they resist? LOL
