Monday, May 12, 2014

The Lilacs!!

My lilac bushes are blooming, on Mother's Day!!!  so very exciting, smell heavenly...  Brian wanted to cut them down when we moved in!!  :(  It is one of the reasons I loved this house...  that and the tall toilet  :)  He keeps bringing it up and I just shake my head....  really???  No way.

Aren't they just unimaginably beautiful????  Just love, love, love them....Brian got me the violets for Mother's Day and fixed me breakfast....  still had it for dinner too!!  Thought that was so thoughtful of him.. all by himself too.  I always tell him, I would just be happy with  card, for some reason this idea never takes.....
We had a wonderful day today.  Had many little errands to run and had to be in Bend for MORE Grand Jury duties, it is a thing that seems to go on and on and never ends, but this may be the end of it.  Was kind of nice to see those same people I served with back in November tho.....
Dogs were very happy to see me!!!! left the house at 9:15am and did not get back until 4p!!! Yes they were happy....
Take Care All


  1. I'd be very happy to see and smell lilacs again. They really are heavenly.

  2. Isn't it a sin to cut down lilacs? ;-)

  3. Those Lilacs are so beautiful I can almost smell them here.

  4. This has been a stellar year for lilacs here at the end of the road. Not sure why but whatever! They're the perfect flower--beautiful and they smell heavenly!

  5. Got a few weeks to go yet before I find any lilacs up here in Minnesota.

  6. Love my lilacs - but I have the lighter color. Would love to have the deep purple one.
