Thursday, August 7, 2014

ADay at the Old Mill

Rabbit brush is blooming, Mt Bachelor peeks up on the horizon, the Deschutes is smooth and flowing..  it was a GOOD day in the neighborhood!

Friend Patti is here from Iowa for a couple weeks.  The first thing we did was go to the Old Mill Dist and ride on a recumbent two passenger bike.  It was loads of fun.  Mid week - so there were not many people out.. Would have been a good day to float the river, there was hardly anyone on it, some paddle boarders and a couple of people in tubes.  By the time we were done and had eaten at Café Yumm  the weather had gotten lots hotter than when we 1st got there.
It was a good day, did not get too hot nor too tired  :)
The goal being to have fun, DO something, yet not sweat...

Take Care All


  1. It sure looks like a good day in the neighborhood! And having a friend visit makes it twice as nice.

  2. Looks like fun and no sweating is always good:) Here in FL that is almost impossible at the moment:(

  3. Looks like fun and no sweating is always good:) Here in FL that is almost impossible at the moment:(
