Monday, May 11, 2015

recovery update

I have some really good friends....   Carol G came to sit with me for 3 days.  Tanya came and did ALL my house work.  Brian has been feeding me and mowed/watered the lawn.
All I can seem to think about is my bodily functions and how they are working and feeling and I am mighty tired of it.  With yoga I was getting some good core strength and that is all gone now.
Have had the staple stitches out, Home Health has been very good in that type care. But it still feels as if I am the only person in the world here in my little home, with no way to leave or get something I might want.  it takes an undue amount of energy to do anything, so I do nothing. Don't even feel like reading, that may due to the pain meds, don't know.
I feel a sad and sorry mess and hope things change here pretty soon

Take Care All & God Bless


  1. Nice vacuum cleaner!! It will get better and then you will feel better for having it done ..❤️

  2. So sorry to hear this, Loree. I'm praying for a quick(er) recovery for you.

  3. Time will heal you just be patient. You do have lots of caring people around you.

  4. Time will heal you just be patient. You do have lots of caring people around you.

  5. Oh Loree - it's okay to have a down day. The meds will really mess with your head and the frustration of not being able to do anything and all the pain - yep you're going to have some rough times to get through. However, you are on the mend and eventually you are really going to feel great again. I had several days when all I could do was cry after I broke my ankle and ruptured the Achilles tendon. It was horrible to be so helpless and in so much pain also. But hang in there. We're all rooting for you and we know you can do it.

  6. Hugs and love coming your way. Recovery is not for sissies. You are hanging tough and life is slower than you would like, but there is life and it will get better. It took me a month just to recover from a chronic asthma attack and I did not like feeling tired and useless. Getting back on track does happen in time. Get on a plane and come visit me. You can monitor your bodily functions here!

  7. I agree with all the above - it seems that as we get older, it takes longer to heal and that's a bummer. And I also think it's harder for those of us who live alone and rule our worlds. Not being able to do what we want is so frustrating! I remember after my surgery that's how I felt, and when I moved back into The Palms, I was better emotionally. But I couldn't do that right away, I had to heal enough first. That's what you're doing now. Please try to think positive thoughts, I think that helps, too. You've gone through the worst part, and now it's just healing. Sleep, eat well, drink a lot of liquids and heal. And if you pray, ask for healing. You are in my prayers. :)

  8. Oh good Lord! I am completely out of the loop! Must go re read to figure it out. I have also been outta commission for more than a week and starting to surface. Monitoring functions is a bit tiresome, isn't it!

  9. Having had a major surgery, I have an idea how you feel. I felt like you also, but it did end and things returned to normal-so hang in there:)

  10. It is hard to be down and out when you are an active person. Also hard to have to depend on people. But the more you stay "down" and let people help, the faster you will be out and about again. Everyone deserves a pity party once in a while. If you feel really bad, talk to your doctor. Some short term mood meds could be in order. Your brain can get broken, just like your body. Sending good thoughts and prayers for you.
