Thursday, June 4, 2015

Book Review

Just finished reading "Following Atticus" by tom ryan.  He was a newspaperman in Newburyport on the North shore of Mass. Atticus is a miniature Schnauzer.... very, very cute. (They all have their own personalities.) I owned a Schnauzer for 14 yrs prior to Luci, her name was Sami.  She was the very BEST dog ever, but had her little 'issues'  :) This is a book about Tom and Atticus hiking ALL the 4000' mtns of New Hampshire of which there are 48!!!  Did not know that.  In the Winter and the Summer. And that little dog lead him to the top of all of them numerous times.  He did it for recreation and for charity. To be out in and commune with nature. It is the story of a man and his dog, love for his distant father and finding oneself.  It was a fast read, kept my interest and I found it really good.

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.

(the end of Sarah William's poem "The Old Astronomer"

Take Care All & God Bless


  1. Sounds like a book I would enjoy Loree. Thanks for the review.

  2. Sounds like a great book--I just downloaded the audio version from our local library! Thanks!

  3. Yes, that sounds like a book I'd enjoy reading too - I'll check my library's audiobooks, too and see if I can snag it. :)
