Sunday, July 5, 2015


 Famous bridge at Newport...

Stairs to beach, there were 120 steps, so I have heard, I did not count them, I was too busy breathing..  But surprisingly I did fine! Then we were on the 3rd floor too!!!  And I was not gasping for breathe when I got to the room, so figure I am well on the way to healed and can resume activity, rather than continue to protect myself  :)  You know any excuse to NOT go to the gym or exercise..

The weather was perfectly sublime, 60's with 'marine layer' (fog) it just felt cool and moist, not dry and hot.  the 1st day there was howling wind and blowing sand down on the beach, which can be a lot different weatherwise than even right in the parking lot.

At the aquarium, these huge bronze statutes have been here forever and the kids love climbing all over them

The second day it was almost t-shirt weather, many more people were down on the beach.  There were NO shells to be had tho.  Sacia went out early one morning and found some crab shells and a couple for half dollars...

you can barely see the light house in the far distance  :)
this was taken from the room tho, so we had a really great view

Display at the aquarium

I DO dearly love the hydrangas, (sp) they are so varied in coloring and are just all over the place, must be an easy thing to grow on the coast.  They look so sort of other worldly, spacey in a way.

Even the ride over to Sweet Home was beautiful, I am not a fan of that windy, twisty road, lots of dips and wash outs, road construction in places, but the trees and the colors are so very different from 'our' side of the mountain.  A nice change. and just small communities and farming all the way to the beach, even Corvallis is not that too awful to drive thru.. and now you don't even have to drive thru downtown.  It has been awhile since going to Newport and driving this way, so the bypass may have been in for awhile, but it was a relief to me, even tho it was cool to see downtown :)  I normally go to the Northern Coast, so this was a really nice change and good to see all of these things again.

Had a great time with family which makes it even more special...

We were in Nye Bch and even ate there for most meals, so it was an adventure, found Nana's Pub on the last night and IT was wonderful. Chloe had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas (off the kids menu) which was huge and we were both eating off her plate, that meatloaf and gravy were sublime and Sacia's chicken pot pie was really good too!!! (seems like I have already said something about this meal, oh well, it WAS that good)

Take Care All and God Bless