Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fall on my street!

Even coming home in the dusk, it is bright on the street due to the beautiful yellow leaves at this time of year!!
My house is on left, can barely see it thru the tree, Bri's pick-up is sticking out..
Picture taken pointing East. This street is Umatilla Circle and going around the bend to the left is then 26th street

This is on 26th heading towards Umatilla circle going South... My mailbox is on the lower right.

 Mr Scarecrow is in my neighbor's yard. Isn't he a cutie...
Wreath on the right I got at an estate sale for $2!! Little blue berries on it... My front door... LOVE having a wreath on the door depicting the different seasons and time of the year.. or holiday.  Am getting quite the collection :)

This morning I awoke with a RED puffy face!!  oh NO!  what is wrong?  Last night my lips and tip of tongue were tingling.... face was red, really warm sort of tingly, swollen this morning.  I think what I did was- I was working in the yard and I cut back some of the plant that is just above and it released a white, milky substance, which I got on my hands.. I rinsed my hands in the garden hose and think this was not enough.. and touched my face, lips, nose --almost noon now and it is subsiding.  nurse friend said to get some Benadryl which I did. maybe that is helping, washed and rinsed face really well in the shower this morn (like I normally do not do??!!)  Ah well, think I have learned something, keep my darn hands out of my mouth or near my face, nose, eyes..... what in the world was I doing or even thinking?? This plant is sort of invasive and crops up all over the yard... and gets large and flops over into the yard or sidewalk in this case, so had to go.... But apparently needs to be handled with care...
  These are new house numbers that my brother and sister-in-law got me last Christmas, they were over the other day and said, "get those numbers out"  !! And they graciously adhered them to my house... Think they look really good!!!

Front of house.... Those trees behind the house are the bane of my existence!!! Always doing something disgusting, BUT they really shade back there and can't even imagine them not being there and how hot it would get in the back during the summer, BUT they will soon be dropping their leaves, then the work begins....  oh Joy!!!!


  1. So glad you are feeling better! Quite the allergic reaction to whatever it was! The wreath, the house, the yard are look cozy and ready for fall. Even your neighborhood has joined in.

  2. I could send out 'the hounds' they have experience in supervising leaf clean up. :)

    1. Ha! Mine 'supervise' also.... quite the help.. at least am not lonely :)
