Friday, February 17, 2017


WELL, have a doc appt on Tuesday, 21st.... and hopefully will get this cast OFF!!! Hoping, hoping, hoping......

A friend did this to one of my pics.. isn't it horrid??? Am sure this is what I will look like at 90!!! So wrinkled!!


  1. Maybe a walking cast - that would work! But will hope for off completely!

  2. Don't do one of those boots which is what I think a walking cast is. They throw you all out of alignment and you end up at a chiropractor if you are lucky to get rid of the back and knee pain.

  3. You still look beautiful in the photo - wrinkles don't make people look horrid - they just make us look like we've had some good experiences. Right? (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!) :)

  4. But the blue hair and skin - I don't know what to say about that! LOL

  5. Yikes! that picture! Thought that was what a leg cast could do to you LOL.

  6. LOL, John loves that Prism app. I am sure you have seen what he does with pics of his kids. It is kind of fun to play around with when boredom sets in! Praying for a good outcome at your doctor's visit.

  7. I have to agree with Sherry on the boot. My friend had to wear one about 4 different times and each time she had back pain. Tried a few different kinds of shoes hoping to find one high enough to balance out the boot never worked. So I also will be hoping, hoping for no more casts or boots

  8. Save the picture and you can compare when you are 90:))

  9. My daughter also got back pain from wearing the boot after surgery. Her doctor ordered one that was much shorter, lighter weight, and more comfortable.
