Thursday, October 5, 2017

Brian's Trees

See the black tubes to the right and the middle of the picture? those are voice tubes, don't know exactly how they work, but supposed to be cool...

Brian spent ALL Winter in snow and ice to get the bark off these trees and smooth them out so there were no way for little fingers to get splinters!!
the park is basically finished now, just finishing up things here and there, he has been moved on to another job.  He set them in place, even.
There were kids there playing

Just look at all of those trees....
These were like knee high to me.  Would be fun to run thru and play tag.  Do kids even do that now days?

There is a disc golf course.  Did not get pictures of it but there is a huge skate park too, trails for walking, it is all handicapped accessible.

Note the logs around the edges to keep the sawdust in place.

It was just a really neat place, was enjoyable to walk about and look at all the things

The water fountain...

There are lots of rocks for climbing and jumping off of.

Places to sit, even with canopies for shade!!

The logs around the sawdust, keep it all in place, so it does not scatter into the grass...

It was a beautiful day in Bend today.  I was in town for an eye appt.  Been 3 yrs and of course eyes have changed and need new glasses, which Medicare does not pay for, I am sure becuz as we age we no longer need to see...

Also got x-ray of my hands as been having issues with them not always working properly, cramping up and not able turn door knobs or unscrew things. And at times they freeze in position at really odd angles and have to slowly move them into moving properly, weird..... This aging is not for sissies as someone said at one time, somewhere.

Can't remember where I heard that, that is another thing, stuff does not come to mind easily and lose the proper word to use, what is that, memory loss? 

This is the requisite pic of my car in the parking lot.  There were lots of people at the skate park and still lots of parking places.  don't know who was in the skate park as it was 2p so school was still in session, there were kids over at the school at recess even.... guess I did not look close enough to see who was skating...

Take Care All


  1. Brian - Looks absolutely GREAT!!! Nice you are finally done! And yes Loree - tag often!!!

  2. This park is very cool. Great work, Brian! And, based on my own recent experience, Medicare would rather spend more on some therapies than take the less expensive path. Crazy!
