Sunday, July 8, 2018

Summer Yard

These are such happy flowers!! And no matter how much i clean out, they still come back, bigger and better than ever...

 AND the sunflowers!!!!  I looked out the window this afternoon an there they were!!! Swear they were not ready yesterday, and these just come up, i think from bird droppings from the bird seed.... Not as many of them this year as in the past, but there were two that are fairly tall. Had some come up near the pick-up and they are not destined to do very well, as keep running over them!  either with the pick-up or the wheel barrel getting things into the back of the pick-up.... That is just the way it goes i guess, can't baby them where they came up....

Hollyhocks are from just ONE that was here the first year we moved in and i moved it and did not think it had a chance, BUT they have done really well, last year they were all over and huge, i pulled out many of them this spring, they were just in the wrong place!! This one is right next to the sidewalk, but is standing up really straight and tall, this is way over my head.... wish i could get white or rose colored ones, but these sort of not so nice deep purple ones are what i have.  Have tried to get the others to start with seeds from other plants and so far, it is a no go. 

The lavender!!!! I had tried a couple plants from Lowe's or Bi-Mart and they did not take... a couple years ago my niece, Sacia n Chloe went to the lavender farm in Culver and i got 3 plants and they are all doing really well and are like 4 times bigger than they were at 1st... really happy with how they are doing...

I do normally get plants from Bi-Mart and have really good luck with them, that is where i got the tomatoes a couple years ago that did really well, had TONS of little tomatoes off those plants, and their flowers are good too.  Lowe's don't have so much luck with..... magnolia did well, and this salvia to the left i got there and it is doing well.... But normally Bi-Mart is the place to go to....
Well saying that, i DO have different bushes i have gotten from Lowe's that did ok, but then again got a different lavender this year and it is already dead.. think it is the place i put them in also.... did not like back yard, BUT the hostas are doing ok back there, think it is just too varied of moisture, either too dry or too wet and in shade most of the time, the Iris do't like it back there either....  but have Iris out front that are doing really well, but are ignored alot of the time  ... who knows!!!!

But i do like my flowers and it is sort of zen to go out and water and watch how they are all doing.
And plan what to change or move... Have a maple vine that has started out by the sidewalk... just started up, it is getting really thick and big, am going to move it over to the opposite side of the honeysuckle on the trellis, so it has somewhere to climb.... that honeysuckle had lots of blooms a couple weeks ago, gave it lots of water, as in a dry, hot place, now the blooms are mostly gone... ???? Maybe it cycles in its blooming.....

Take Care All and God Bless


  1. So jealous! My garden is stingy looking compared to the lushness of yours!

  2. You always have such wonderful flowers
