Saturday, June 29, 2019

a sunday ride

Took these pictures off my phone and apparently i can't insert text in between them as normal.
1st picture is 3 Sisters at Tumalo Res  we had a good drive, my friend Carol G and me...and ended up in Sisters... this was a couple week ends ago i believe... went out shevlin road to see all the building, swear, i don't know what all of these people do around here. then past Tumalo Res... turned into a rock road, then dirt road.  My philosophy is to just keep going in the same direction of where u think things should b and eventually u will end up someplace you want to be... haha, usually works and we ended up near Sisters so went into Sisters and to the new round-about.  Brian did the irrigation installation and landscaping, the pic above the flowers... even insertion of the boulders, NOT the pillars or the artwork, there is a large bronze elk and antelope.... looks pretty good to me.....
the flowers are my honeysuckle, which smells heavenly and has ALL kinds of blooms this year... this was tken at dusk and the flash worked... making it look sort of other worldly and black background..
Not much going on...  just your normal stuff, clean house, dog in and out, mow lawn, water lawn and plnts which are doing really well with all the rain and cool weather, not dry at all,  even have more new little grassies that i put in the back yard... have an on going battle with ants, and mushrooms!!! which all keep me bust  hahaha
the wheel fell off lawn mower so had to get that fixed and lawn grew for two weeks and that makes for a heavy mow when i was able to get back to it!!!
Had a car issue a noise that Les Schwab appeared not able to diagnose so took to Honda and they took care of me and quoted about 150 less than Schwab for shocks and alignment so had that done.. and it was way more than i want to spend on something that is not travel or pretty, but needed/had to be done..... i guess......
Been reading and not doing any crochet.. made a bunch of cards, don't know who all will get them, but decided i got all these new papers and dies and satmps so HAD to use them....
pick up stuff, put it down, throw some in a sack to take to to goodwill and DO NOT again look in the sack ... u know... to make sure.... if the decision is made to put in there , whatever it is, just stays in there.... but i do , do alot of picking up, looking, remembering, putting back in a different place.. don't know what that accomplishes but makes me think i have done something
Take Care and God Bless

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