Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Think i have entered a new realm of oldladydom in buying this 'themed' sweater for Halloween.  Geez.. BUT it is warm and cozy, so, it will be fun... See even that i would think that.. ah, well..

We are all yellow around the edges, with the changing leaves and we again have smoke, there are about 6 fires burning around here, one, East of us is up to 7,000 acres.. so the air is smokey, but not as bad as it could get.. yet

And i worry and complain about that, while that horrid hurricane is heading towards florida, the second one in the last couple of weeks,  how do hose people live with that? and then then the reconstruction.  I follow a doctor who lives in Tampa area, and the things they have had to go thru!! stripping the house down to the studs and now she has been called to work and has her kids with her at the hospital, she has an office and they are in there while she is working, in the ER.. and leaving their house again.. and already she has water in the house...

As a side note my grandpa and family (from Iowa) were down there in the late 20's, my mom was born there in 1926 and went thru a hurricane, when it was all over there was an alligator under the porch and that was enough for him, took the family back to Iowa ( then on to oregon in 1934) 

Trees by Starbucks

Already have the pick up filled with yard debris, and have not really started raking the leaves yet, did once and filled the debris bin and that has been picked up already, so it is ready to fill again.

not much going on other than that... just the usual, cleaning, (oven) card making (Halloween), reading... the newest Nicholas Sparks and Hilary Clinton.  She writes really well. Interesting. 

Trying to get Sade to do what i want.... still think i am doing well in the potty dept, but i think i just read her cues, because then she will pee right in front of me, maybe because i am not paying attention to her?? hard to tell.. but wish she would  tell me she has to go out!!! right now she is on my lap/arm while i am trying to type and she is getting pretty disgusted with me as my arm keeps moving....  Took her out with me this morning to the post office and chiropractor and we got coffee and pup cup.  Then i had to go to Michaels and left her home, so this is the 1st she has had to nap haha and i am disturbing her.... she still has a fit wearing a harness and being in a leash,, think i need to find a dog training class.

Latest picture... living her best life

The chiropractor really, really decorates for the holidays!!!! there is stuff everywhere

Take Care All and God Bless

Monday, September 30, 2024


 Got Sade's bear claws trimmed today, missed last month as groomer was ill, so had a make up day today. She just goes crazy around other dogs, wants to play so bad... and then she gets excited and pees, so have to clean that up.  It took TWO people to hold her down... to get them trimmed and dremeled.. (sp) geez. going to still go on the 2nd friday to try to get them to where they should be and not be so long.... wish i was a better person to do it myself, but just can't do it... and there were many there, in the same boat, so it is not just me that is lacking.  The grooming lady, TJ, is very understanding and patient tho, so there is that. fortunately. 

Her is the little princess b4 the ordeal, just living the best life, after a pup cup...and had to get up at 7am for a 9am doc appt in Bend... it was just upper 60's today, tomorrow to be warmer they say... am sitting really good with the yard work tho, so grateful for that..

Take Care All and God Bless

Had to turn on the heat this morning..

Monday, September 23, 2024


There is NO snow on those mtns... there was a skiff a couple days ago, but that burns off fast if the weather does not hold.. and we are having lovely Fall weather.. warm days, no frost... have gotten all of my yard work, cutting back things, done...

Am going to finally get my kitchen faucet done\replaced... have gone almost a year now, replacing the faucet to just have it fall off again. live in dread that it will fall off into the garbage disposal when it is on and ruin that!!!  been close a couple times.  :( 

Been reading, making cards, doing that yard work... today had to go again to Walgreens, but there was NO line, almost had heart palpitations was so excited!!!  then to Lowes to get faucet, called plumber, they are coming Thursday.. then went to get a pedicure.  fixed some soup i had frozen from a couple weeks that we did not eat.. they thought i just made it... :)   this is the time of year, do i water the yard or not? let it go? it is really, really dry and turning brown in spots.  did do the back yard... even raked a garbage can full of leaves already...

Sunday went to Sisters for a lecture at the library re: Bay Ocean, town on the coast, near Tillamook that fell into the sea due to the building of the jetty on the Tillamook Bar by the Army Corps of Engineers... It was determined that if they had built the South at the same time as the North the town would have been saved, but alas.... It is funny how our memories are i remember when i was very young, 1952 thereabouts... Dad took us over there, we would have been living in Garabaldi at the time.. and showed us what was left of the town and a mansion, prob a mansion as i was so small :) (remember looking in the windows at the fireplace, wood floors, chandalier) and a tennis court he used to play on when he was young, b4 WW11.....

We still go to that area, Cape Meares, but to the beach there, they always, normally have shells and agates and sometimes the weather is better than in rockaway... am going to have to drive out the spit and walk along the bayside...  they are working on the jetty, and use the north end of that spit as a staging area for the construction rocks and whatnot;  it is amazing how the ocean will fling those huge rocks, weighing tons.  It used to be really high and then got really low and it is about halfway back to where it once was.. Remember also going to BarView (where jetty is) b4 the jetty and there was tons of sand and driftwood, you had to walk on driftwood for 1/4 mile to get to the ocean, but not anymore... and the sand is being taken over with sea grass (?) and scotch broom (bloom)  Will leave with pics of my Sunday drive

Broken Top


Take Care all and God Bless

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 Well I got pretty complacent, because Sade has really been so good about NOT getting into things she was not supposed to, and mostly i can say, Stop! or no! and she stops playing with my shoe or chewing on Brians' boots... and i have been easily able to redirect her play... BUT i was all involved in making cards, cutting and pasting, and out of the corner of my eye, i saw her race past with a looooong ribbon of toilet paper waving behind her, and then i saw this.....  the 2nd bathroom door was open.... we normally keep it closed, just because it's easier and not tempting.. well, now we are going to have to remember to close it... the other bathroom toilet tissue is up too high for her to get to.... Geez, it is always something, huh, and she likes receipts too, it must be the paper...

She had a fuzzy duck i had to toss as she was pulling the fur off, was not chewing it, just delicately pulling the fur out.. strange.... and fuzz was all over the rug.. and that is the only one, there are other fuzzy toys,  not AS fuzzy i guess.

Am in the doldrums of the end of August and the swing upward to September and downward grind to Winter, Fall leaves (to be picked up and discarded).. deadheading all the flowers, sunflowers, hollyhocks. coldness and darkness.... morbid, huh?  we are supposed to get almost 100 degree weather this week end.  This is the time of year whilst in the Navy they would give the order to go out of summer searsucker uniform to the navy blue wool, skirt/jacket and white blouse under, the guys from whites to wool (in San Diego)  then it would get so hot, we would be sweating like crazy and then they would say it was optional what we wore prob for the next month... happened every year...

Safeway had a nice Fall display today... Walgreen's has closed the pharmacy on week ends, but are open to 10p mon-fri... and they still have NOT opened the drive thru, not enough personnel they say... geez, gets harder and harder to get in... but then i am retired and can go any hour really.  cept when i am really sick, i don't want to drag myself in there and to the FAR end of the store to get a prescription.  and there is the thing that there may be other sick people in there, even when i am well.  .oh, well,  at least there is a store and pharmacy, which there is NOT in the Ukraine or Gaza.   I don't really decorate for Fall or Halloween..  

Jerimay got more chickens this Spring and now they are laying already, so has 12 i think and they have started laying like crazy, so we are having LOTS of eggs to figure out how to use up... give some to my neighbors... i think we should start paying her for them!!

Started going to the chiropractor again... and even after 2 treatments have noticed a difference... have got to figure out a maintenance system that works, rather than just not go, then get so bad that i then HAVE to go.. lower back n neck issues.. have to also ice it,  it does work! amazingly. and then they are so very kind in there, and they bring their little dogs to work and they wander in and out and stare at you and accept pets. and BOY do they decorate for holidays!!!! So that is fun.

Take Care all and God Bless

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Aren't these the prettiest? I have a wonderful niece, that is always bringing me little things, beautiful things. and makes me a part of her family as much as possible... and i always feel 'wanted' by her and her hubby.. which is a special feeling.

along with these was a little jar of garden tomatoes...

Take care all and God Bless

Thursday, August 22, 2024

little nothings

 finally got a really good picture of her sitting still.  she was watching me and wary as we had just got done with a bath, not her fav..

Had a royal mess in the yard.. had some wind and limbs down, then Brian got in there and cut down some that were hitting on the roof.. still have stacks in the yard, have to get them taken care of.. of coarse the pick up would not start and had to charge it... so hopefully will gt them to the dump soon.  we are now having some weather, so far no much happening., got very still and humid (for us)  then a tiny bit of sprinkle.. now, clouds but nothing else.. supposed to get more rain, sure home so, as it is really dry out here.

Take Care all and God Bless

Friday, August 16, 2024


 Well, these are perfectly good flips, and Archies, which i paid a pretty penny for, but they are molded, so no blow outs and have an arch (hence name) and a small lift in heel. Which podiatrist said i needed.. and they really are comfortable to walk in!. sooooo.. little missy chewed on the left green one and i LOST, yes lost the right orange one, have looked ALL over and not to be found, sooo here we are....  anyone else do this? i thought it a great save....

Take Care All and God Bless