Sade found the project i have been working on and what a mess, so spent some time getting that sorted.. Fun!
Have been doing nothing, reading, a Balducci mystery. and watching TV.. mini series i can find on the multitude of streaming services i have signed myself up for. There is always one thing that is advertised that i just HAVE to watch, then forget about it and just keep getting charged. have to go into that and fix. Got the house back to normal. have NO interest in cooking... so been snacking and having lean cuisine... wonder how LEAN it really is? rummage thru amazon and go down a number of rabbit holes with that.. keeps me busy. Play crack trivia with 3 other people. One, Guthrie who is 18? i . can. not. beat!! get close, then she swoops in and wins, like she is toying with me. letting me get some right, eventually, and have a feeling of jubilance for a short while.. then squash, it is gone!!!
Got a new blanket for xmas and Sade thinks it is hers and makes a neat little circle bed for herself each night... It is raining out, been grey and dull for days now. I think there was a good sunrise a couple days ago, had gotten up for bathroom, put Sade out and it was all yellow out there! other than that, the day matches my mood, so sit in here and entertain myself. think i am going to start making some quilts for posterity.. and there is an easy pattern for receiving blankets and bibs. (did i mention my niece is preggers due end of April. another girl) it is very exciting... lots of cute little girl things out there. and dolls and stuffed frogs!!
I finally ordered an Alexis thingy from amazon and signing up for music and podcasts that i can listen to while sewing.... don't really need to watch anything and can just listen and sew away, am looking forward to it,,
Hope all is well with all of you Take Care and God Bless