Thursday, May 1, 2014

He's Baaaack!

 LOOK!! Who showed up yesterday!!!  So Happy, Mrs was here too, they really do LOVE that water...
Today was a beautiful day, so pretty outside, spent a lot of time sitting out with the doglets.
Made stuffed porkchops for dinner, stuffed with gouda cheese and spinach, Dijon mustard spread on the outside and rolled in bread crumbs- they were so good and tender... seems not often, lately that I hit one out of the park  :) also a couple days ago I made pull apart pizza, like monkey bread, but with pizza dough and pepperoni/olives/mushrooms, that turned out good too and we had like 4 meals out of it!!! 2 dinners, 2 lunches for me. Two keeper recipes!!!!
Hey, hey 1st of May!!!  all of a sudden the lilacs are starting and there are leaves popping out on the trees out back.  Just love when that happens....
Getting all ready to go to the Valley tomorrow, have to go to hair aptt first then will be 'on the road'  Luci knows something is up as I am 'collecting' things....

Here he is in the water.... Isn't he a beauty tho?

New Spring leaves....

I put this in, in the back yard yesterday...  hope it does well.  Getting tired of losing plants... Have it in an area much like where Mom had hers in her yard, so hopefully it will be protected from the elements. (bleeding heart)
Take Care all  & God Bless... have a great week-end!!!!


  1. Beautiful mallard. Love that he comes to your sprinkler. What do Carl and Lucy think of him or he of them?? I had a bleeding heart for years. It got to be very big and then there was a very hard winter but it came back although it was much smaller.

  2. Dad is taking a break to go for a little sprinkle--very cute! Everything looks beautiful & lush in your yard! May 1st reminds of making little paper baskets when we were kids, filling them with flags (I think they were wild iris) & putting them on our neighbor's doorstep as we knocked & then ran. Great fun!

  3. The bleeding hearts are just beautiful. And what a handsome looking Mallard. I wonder if the Mrs. is sitting on eggs somewhere....

  4. Great pictures, as usual, Loree. I wouldn't mind having the recipes for those two dinners. They both sound yummy. I always like to make recipes that have been tested!

  5. I love bleeding hearts and lilacs. Probably my two favorite flowers. Amazing how the pups just know.

  6. Lilacs! One of my favorites, and they should be blooming in a few weeks in Minnesota. Hooray!

  7. What a wonderful happy post! I had large purple lilac and white lilac bushes in the mountains. I loved cutting them and putting them in large vases in the house. I've never had a bleeding heart though - it's beautiful.

    Yeaaa, the Mallards are back. We had a mallard couple when I lived in my condo. I used to see them walking down the sidewalk, and was so envious of the people they visited in their little patio yards. Of course, they said the ducks made a HUGE mess on their patios, but I would have lived with it just to have them there.

  8. I love the ducks. I'm hoping one day soon I'll have the energy to cook some of my old favorites. I made some soup today and will probably be in the recliner the rest of the day!

  9. Bleeding hearts do very well in the Midwest so I would not worry about it. I even have a couple of volunteer plants and Darah just split one this spring it got so big.

    Wearing my Oregon Coast shirt to hike today and thinking of you!

  10. Your cooking sounds very good and inventive as well. The mallard has good sense to enjoy the sprinkler!
