Monday, May 5, 2014


Still in Salem  Am being computer challenged.... with the internet here....  but having a good, relaxing time, as if I NEED any more relaxation.  Been shopping, to the outlet mall in Woodburn.. geesh, went there very early and still lots of parking, BUT when we left took hours just to get out of the parking lot!!!  found some good deals at Merrill shoes and the Gap!!  To Mac today for lunch with a friend, some showers, but nice day all in all,  dogs were good.  Have a picture of the little Havenese friend is sitting for, such a cutie pie, but he is in morning as his 'people' are gone and he is on the couch in the living room most of the time, while we are in the family room  :)  poor little thing.  Went to the stamp store the 'Runaway' in Salem.. good store, very artist type stuff.
There is SO much GREEN here, it is weird.. hard to get used to, like I am on green over load or something.  Pretty trees, LOTS of blooming flowers all over he place, rhodies, azaleas, camellias, flowering shrubs. etc.....  heading home Wednesday morning... the back to yoga and the daily grind of mowing/weeding/housecleaning  :)
Finished Tami Hoag "the Ninth Girl"  it was a really good read/mystery, I like her books, the end was a racing page turner....
Take Care all


  1. We don't see much green down this way but the desert is still pretty when its in bloom. Poor baby - missing his family so much. They just don't understand. I love Tami Hoag's books.

  2. Sometimes limited connectivity is a good thing:)

  3. Thanks for the book tip - I just put a hold on it at my library - e-book for my Kindle. :)

  4. We love the valley--lots of family members in Silverton!
