Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Valley Day

 I think the second day I was here, we went to Kaiser Station and to Panera.. Carol really liked it, I had chili and she had a salmon sandwich THEN we had goodies later, she was all excited about this pecan roll!!
'Discovered' Panera in Iowa and rry to go whenever I see one,  LOVE them, they have the best food and bakery...

There was an alley of lilacs blooming, so very fragrant...  just look at this big bunch!!!  this was at Schneiders Iris Gardens....

Lots of rhodies, not blooming yet in the wild on the mountain tho....

Here is one of our favorite iris, they were not ALL blooming yet, just enough to give you a taste of what was to come.  Also went to Bauman's Nursery... they also have a bakery and gift store.... but SO many plants and hanging baskets, the most beautiful ones I have seen in a long time!!!!  Lots of things to look at there,  good thing I do not live here or I would be there every week end!!!  such beautiful things.....
Take Care All


  1. Now that is my idea of how to enjoy such gorgeous flowers. Go to the nursery or the park and just wander around. Then I don't have to worry about them dying on me.

  2. I love the fragrance of lilacs. I think I ruined mine - cut it was back last fall and it looks pretty sad now.

  3. Beautiful Flowers! We love Bauman's even more than Al's

  4. Are you at the gardens out in Silverton? Gorgeous irises & lilacs!

  5. Gorgeous lilacs! One of my favorites and so is that sticky bun (pecan roll. My mouth is watering. Shouldn't have looked at it.

  6. I love that iris garden, even flying by on the interstate. like a kid in a candy store, I am. so beautiful.
