Monday, August 11, 2014

High Desert Museum

 Thought this a fairly good picture of me  :)
Today went to High Desert museum mainly because it was overcast and in the 70's in Redmond and did not want to float the
Desch  River in the cold that is for a HOT day.. then when we were in the Museum it turned really hot!!  Who is to know??
Then tonight we had a drop in temp and pouring rain and thunder and lightning again.  Weird, weird weather....
Anyway for the museum.. Saw the otters, a fav of mine for sure!!!  These are not the original bert & Ernie that were here when Brian was younger and we used to come her more often.  But they were just as cute... And entertaining...

Went to the settler's cabin and they had people in there in costume and character.  A garden and a new barn (from last time I was there, which has been some time ago)  Poplar trees planted or windbreak.  There is a sawmill, which they run on holidays,  with volunteers.  I Took Dad once and he really enjoyed seeing it!!!  REALLY loud....  There was also a very small bunkhouse, root cellar.  Activities for kids from pioneer days....
We went thru the Hall of Exploration and Settlement..  Patti went thru thu the Desertarium, they have snakes in there.. I did not go  :(
There are a lot of interactive things for children now, the Dig, Crawl and Climb, Whose Home??   There is a movie, and the Bird of Prey Encounter,  We saw a part of the Desert Dwellers Show, with the porcupine, a jolly fellow....  there is also the Raptors of the Desert Sky.  Yu just have to time things to get it all in!!!  There is LOTS to do here

If I had kids around all the time, I would have a season pass.  there are special talks and lectures too.  Before I have been here for an owl presentation and an evening with the bats, where they had radio controlled things to hear the sonic sounds of them passing over head and they were quite active the night we were there.
There are statures donated by different people and in memory of loved ones throughout the place, this is one of my favorites, made of barbed wire....  recycling at its best!!!!

Here is another picture of one of the otters.

There is also a pond and stream that flows thru the property (I believe it is all man made) and it is stocked with fish, some are really quite large!!

It is really a special spot in the forested desert south of Bend!!!

This an owl, can you see it???  it really blends in.  Wish the fencing would have gone into the foreground so it would not be seen...

This Bird of Prey Center is new also, they used to just have the demonstrations out in the open under a net..  This is much nicer.

They also have a nice café and gift shop  :)

Will show more of the statues in days to come, there were many and varied, but all in keeping with the High Desert.

The last stop was a new Hall of Plateau Indians which was really large and well laid out  with "By Hand Through Memory" with a lot of the beadwork and head dresses and clothing  of the Plateau Indians.

It was really well laid out and thoughtful, think Patti was impressed and liked the day's visit..

Take Care All


  1. Looks like a great place to visit:) Will put it on the list, if we can ever get up that way.

  2. I have thought I would love to visit the Museum every time I've driven by the signs, but I never planned for the time it would take and entered it into my itinerary. Next drive through that part of Oregon!

  3. Great post, Lori. We love the High Desert Museum. It really is a must see if you're in the area. You're lucky to have it in your own backyard!

  4. That is my kind of place. I especially love the interactive stuff for kids (when the kids let me play too). And otters have always ranked high on my list of favorite animals since I did a report on them back in grade school.

  5. High Desert is such a wonderful museum, and yes, that is a lovely photo of you looking fabulous.

  6. That picture of you isn't fairly good, it's great! Love those otters!!
