Friday, May 31, 2019

May 22nd-Cape Meares

She got SO dirty, little sweater was just covered in sand on her tummy, but she had a great time walking along

No one on this beach.... you have to be really careful, takes half hour at least to drive there on windy road and there are no facilities!!!
No shells.... and tide was way out.... not even agates, which we most of the time could find here.

I can't even comprehend what force it takes to throw these trees up onto the beach this high...
There are five rivers that flow into the Tillamook Bay and anything falling into the river eventually makes it to the shore... There are always some huge trees here...
the road from the north to the lighthouse is still closed, they have lots of landslides on that area of the coast... either they gave up, no money to clear and rebuild.  You have to go around nd get to it from the south...

 More driftwood and the area where the lighthouse sits in the far distance..
These flowers were blooming all along the road, wild iris?

AND ta-da!!!! the NEW Tillamook Creamery is what they are calling/branding it now, not the cheesefactory, but that will always be what it is!!! very, very nice, industrial, huge to handle all the crowds and the gift store is not more with all it's cute little shotkees... it is very toney now...
One scoop ice cream (which was pretty big) on a waffle cone $3.50

I do love the rhodies.... so many different colors...
and they were all in full bloom...

Take Care and God Bless


  1. Nice trip and oh the flowers are so gorgeous

  2. The flowers are beautiful. We were at the Tillamook Cheese place years ago.
