Sunday, November 24, 2019

made it!!

Well, let me tell you the trip down to So Calif was something... did sleep some and did not really get all that tired, so must have rested more than i thought i did.  So the night travel was ok... BUT i was not driving... sun started peeking out around Santa Nella which was a breakfast stop... it was great to have the police scanner... just sayin'
Got the RV and sent them on their way and they did manage to get home to Madras ok... so that is a good thing..
My plan was to then drive to Joshua Tree as i like it there and wanted to see it again... WELL  Dave in Tehachipi was right. it took way too much time and by the time i got to 29 Palms it was almost dark and think the park closes at 5p in any case, so forged on ahead to Yucaipa...

Rita, sister-in-law

Brother Jerry

Calif scenery

Scenery going to 29 Palms

Then Friday i went to school with Sacia.. it was fun, i did one on one reading with 3 students and we had a good time...

Sacia went to get pizzas at noon for the Gold Medal winners so got to have some of that and it was yummy

A teachers job is never done (if you want it done right!)  We decorated the xmas tree for when the kids came back and strung and hung some xmas artwork.
OH!!! there was even a fire drill.. which the kids did not take very seriously, but they were quiet as directed..

Handing out an after school treat...

then driving to the grocery store we saw a house REALLY decorated for xmas already, so Chloe had to take a picture...

Here is Sacia and me in her classroom..

Saturday was gymnastics... then went to home Goods, TJMaxx, Barnes and Noble, Starbucks...

Everything decorated for xmas already... and the stores are MUCH bigger than what i am used to and have MANY more 'things'  it is just really mind boggling, hard to make up your mind or see everything, when there is SO much..

So having a great time, lots to see and do... Traffic is horrendous.

Take Care ALL and God Bless


  1. Sounds like a good time. I stay out of stores cause I am always tempted by all those things. Have fun and relax.

  2. Yeah, that sounds like southern California.

  3. So glad you had a safe trip, and are having a good time in Southern Cal.
