Sunday, January 9, 2022

lot of nothing

 Not doing a darn thing... oh, there are always little chores here and there, things to clean, ppffftt thats it

Doctor appts..... ppffffttt

Still reading the latest Diana Galbadon book, only habe about 200 pages left tho... so...progress

Weather is 40's in the day, 20's at nite...

Been watching all my saved up tapings of programs i did not get to when originally played as watching something else.. and that has been fun, some good, some not so much..


I did get a boboli crust and made my own pizza and quite like it!! forgot the pineapple the, next time..

So that's all folks

Take Care and God Bless


  1. Other than doc appts, life is pretty well not doing anything here either. Not with covid running rampant. But our weather is nicer than yours. In my opinion. 🤣🤣

  2. Your life sounds a lot like mine! Except that I rarely read anything these days because of my fading vision. I never did care for audio books. It's sad for me because I was always a voracious reader!
