Friday, July 14, 2023

Green Ridge

 took the "girlies" or short road trip to Green Ridge about 20 miles on gravel road.. sometimes very narrow, even scraped the side of the car and very washed out by rain.  have found tho that the Element is very good  at out back traveling.. has good clearance and is going on 20 years 178,000 miles so don't worry too very much about little dings here and there.  But boy! was it dusty!! And already have THREE places on the windshield where have been hit by rocks.  Two trips on I80 and then last one at the beach on 101.  so no worries...

It is one of my most favorite places to go to.  there is a forest service guard station there that just hangs on the edge of the Ridge. and this time there were a couple manning it and he came out to welcome us and to tell us something about the place.  They do have a new outhouse, vault type now.. the other b4 was just a wooden deep hole structure, that most outhouses were (my aunt and uncle had a two seater at their farm in Redmond in the early 50's!!) and we got to go below the guard house and look over the edge!

It is so quiet.  He said they have been doing the work for 17 years!!!  Have to walk about 1/4 mile from gate to guard station.. standing very still and quiet you can hear the Metolius River rushing hundreds of feet below...

And the sights are impressive... There was fire here a number of years ago, the forest used to be much closer to the road and huge trees.. but Mt Jefferson is. right. there...

We were on a wild flower hunt, as we are placing them in books and drying them for an art project we will do next week.  Ava only has until the 23rd with the family, then back to her mother in California... so next week is the time to finish all the things not done yet!!!!

I have taken many of my friends up here and one and all loved it, Carol H.  just stood in the middle of the road, in the sun, amongst the trees, with her face uplifted and declared it " the perfect place"

Take Care All and God Bless

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