Sunday, July 9, 2023

Road Trip

 Went to the BEACH!!! Camping at Barview County Park.. think this will b the lat time i go camping!! I slept in the back of my car, took out the seats and have a foam pad for back there an took all the pillows and blankets off my bed... It was still chilly, then you get up early, early to go to the bathroom and pee the dog and that is a long walk to the potty!!! 

and fell down twice... and had to be hefted up by family and muscular strangers.... i felt really old.. the 1st time it was on rock steps to the beach and 2nd was in heavy sand... could not gain a solid purchase to heft myself up, so very embarrassing... think i need to get to the gym and do some weights or something to gain some muscle, i mean really...???!!! AND i went to bed too early each night and missed s'mores!!! what in heaven sake is the purpose of camping, i ask you, if not for the s'mores.... and as i was leaving Thursday morning i saw a coyote out by the jetty... could not believe it....  we had lots of wind and some mist, a wonderful sunset and great fireworks on the beach!!

The little town of Rockaway was packed!!! must have been hundreds of people on the beach and many fires and fireworks North and South.. It was one of the best firework displays i have ever seen!!!! We are making plans to go next year too, and get a place right on the beach...

I drove to Eugene Monday and visited with friends who live in Springfield, got a little motel downtown .  Finn did really well, only had to be admonished a couple of times for barking at unknown things and movement... Went potty on demand.. Got up at 6am and got a Starbucks, then went to VooDoo Donuts and while in getting those, Finn ate my ham n cheese croissant..(completely forgot it)). so had to go get another, then drove over to Florence and up the coast and got to see many sights i have not seen in some time.  It did not take as long as i thought it would and got there about the same time as my niece did driving over from Sisters... then we did the beach things and Wednesday went to Cape Meares and it was windy n chilly in Barview down on the beach  and at the Cape, nice, fairly warm and no breeze, about 4p a foggy mist came in and we left.  the girls had a great time boogie boarding.. Thursday was up early and left was home by 2p. and spent a fair amount of time finding ferns to dry and get foxglove pics...  It is hard to find a place to pull over, out of the way of traffic and still have the flowers you want

Have tried a couple times to get foxgloves to grow in my yard and they just will not take... it is truly one of my favorites

This is at Yachats (ya-hots) one of my parents favorite places, BUT the tide was way out, so you didn't get the full boom and splash of sitting right near and watching the actions, when tides out there is basically no action of the rocks and waves...

We had a great time and it will be a memory for a long time...

Take care all and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fantastic time. Car camping would not work for me - I have to get up two ir three times a night. Good boy Finn well except for the sandwich incident. Temptation is just too strong.
