Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 Is it August already?  it is hard to believe! My lilies are blooming... love them

Have been crafting made some cool wind chimes with 'the girls' and Ava had to go home the 23rd.. she lives way down south in Calif.. always sad to see her go.  It has been HOT have had the ac going for a month now. and no let up in sight.. think i will try the fair tomorrow, want to order some knives from Cutco and the guy will be at the fair.  He even sent me a card that he is in the area...  My bedroom fan took a dump on me last night so had to go get another, got a stsnding on and it even goes back n forth.. had to put it together, BUT if u read the directions and FOLLOW them it was not hard to get it together  :)  counter clockwise makes a difference!... Got me a new debit card and this one has that tap feature, looking forward to using it, the old one got chewed by Finn!! as did my starbucks card... the baristas thought that was pretty funny.. i finally figured out how to use and old card i have that had doxies on it!!! so that is cute!!  Yes, i HAVE to keep my purse zipped, the main compartment and the place where i keep the money!!!  or he gets into it, even if i am not finished with  it and put it down for a second to go do something else for a minute, he will take his chance and whip things  right out of there... like pens too!!!

When i was in WalMart getting the fan, they have Halloween shirts out!! and it was pretty fun looming at all the school stuff... they have lots of cool containers and post it notes and LOTS of different sets of pens....

Went to the farm stand and got zucchini (cuz mine are doing nothing!!) lemon cukes, cherries and peaches.. also still had valley strawberries, which Finn likes pretty well as he got up in my chair and ate half of them when mu back was turned working on the fan.... GEEZ... well, at least i got half of them.

Had a dahlia bloom had about 6 others buds, but deer ate them.. you know i really can't win and i am going to have to stop talking about it and DO something in fencing if i am going to be serious about the garden!

 that Ava can cross hers eye really well....

Oh and broke the window in the pick up decided it was pretty dusty and so sprayed it off with the hose and that cold water on the hot windshield did a pretty good job of cracking, right down the middle!!!

so that's about it, try to stay cool, and keep things watered so they don't dry up and die.  the potentella is not blooming at all... but still is green.. keep getting water on it, but t is not happy... others about town have lots of yellow blooms, but not mine.. ???

that's about it  Take Care and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of the girls! My deck flowers are dead. Only the roses, cone flowers and a type of yellow daisy are blooming. Ony one lily had a flower. the weather here has not been cooperative, but I have been a slacker gardener this you so what can I expect?????
