Wednesday, August 2, 2023


 these are the wind chimes we made and lanterns in the background, using wildflowers we dried... It was a fun project which the girls enjoyed doing (i think) haha, who knows. but it kept them busy for a couple hours

This was a card i made this week for a very dear friend, who was an excellent seamstress.. i just felt this stamp set was made for her and was anxious to get it and make something to send...

Went to the fair today, it was hot, went in the morning.. got the knives ordered that i wanted... and rode the shuttle to different areas.. was only there for an hour!  They had no canned goods this year. and very little crochet.  guess those are things people no longer do.. But the had lots of quits!!

This is just mind boggling how much work this must have been

Thought this one was very cute!!

AND this one! a guy had lots of pendleton shirts and wanted a blanket made, so he went toa sewing club and had them make it for him!!! It is like the ones my grandma used to make out of my uncles pendleton shirts!!!!  I just thought that was interesting....

Take care All and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. The wind chimes and lanterns look like really fun things for kids to make. That is a neat idea to use the shirts for a quilt.
