Sunday, September 17, 2023

most fun

 Finn LOVES to get the ball of yarn i am working on and take off running, round n round the footstool, into the kitchen.  I must say it is the cutest thing, that ball of yarn hanging out of his mouth and the unfinished work trailing along behind. And he can make a total mess of it, in no time at all... AND it takes forever to re-wind the thing! This time, only was able to get half back on the roll and it was just impossible so had the cut it and rejoin, will work on the little that is left after the fact, cuz... i can't waste it!!  Yarn is getting expensive, used to be a deal, just my time involved in getting something done, but it now cost twice what i used to pay.. so it is a bit more dear.  Am making baby afghans for people who are having grand children... You know of the 3 people i know of, one is having twins, boy and a girl and the other two boys.... only had pink ones completed so had to get some "boy" yarn.

Have GOT to remember to put the thing up high, when i am not working on it.  Even for just a minute..

And it is really not as "cute' as it 1st was....

Take Care All and God Bless

p.s. Finn's eye all healed

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