Monday, October 9, 2023

Rockaway, Oct 2023

 We went to the beach!!!! This is Ocean Rogue Motel.. I have stayed at this place since the early 90's with Mom and Dad, then just Mom, niece,  friends.. lots of times.  They have redone all of the units and it is all spruced up, painted, new furniture, very shee-shee... but very nice beds and linens.... the floor was done in that new sand colored mfg wood and when u sweep, u can't tell if u are getting anything or not.. weird choice for the beach i would say... We had two bedrooms and were very comfortable!!!! Was there 4 nights.... lots of time on the beach, Finn LOVED it as there were hardly any people and we let him off leash, he ran and ran and ran, but he does not stray too far from me and comes to a whistle, so that is really good!!! did not understand the ocean tho and would run when the wave came in, did not want any where near that moving water!!!!  Then had to have a bath when we got back to room, not to happy with that part.... :)

He had a great time digging, don't know what he thought he was going to get!

The weather was wonderful, sweatshirt weather, hardly any wind.  Did not find much of anything tho on the sand as far as shells or anything...

Went to Neah-Kah-Nee to get picture... and to Cape Mears Lighthouse and Octopus Tree... Robin had never been!!

Also, finally went to 'big tree' in Rockaway.. never been there, in all this time visiting there!!!! They have a boardwalk out there or back there which was great, but it went on and on and on, thought we would never get there!!!! but we did and Finn was a trooper and did not ask to be carried once...

Going back over my pics... got hardly any pics of me.. guess that i ok, but odd

This is a good one of us, but no background... haha we were up on Neah-Kah-Nee....

it was a good time and will be long remembered.  I am just thankful that they want to do things with me!! I try to stay out of the way... :)

Finn needs to be able to go places tho and not bark at everything he sees, people in the distance, gas attendant, bumps from people up stairs.. sometimes he does ok, then most times, no.. takes exception to people coming up to him/us.. bark, bark, bark The store people in Rockaway were great tho and allowed me to bring him into the stores and look about, and he did get used to there being other people there too, but there was just too much for him to see and was not interested in being pet by anyone, even little kids, he let them but then he was off doing something else.. think he was thinking they had food, don't know.... not quite sure how to socialize him for those things, unless i take him out more.... but i just don't want us to cause a disturbance...

Went to Rylie's soccer game saturday and they won 5-2.. and she made 3 of the points!!! great to see her play, she is always so glad i have come to see her game.

Take Care All and God Bless

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