Thursday, February 22, 2024


 Been working on cards. Want to do a workshop highlighting a specific paper. Have a couple of ladies that have shown some interest, so trying to get things together. Takes me awhile to peruse Pinterest and get all the card stock that is needed too.  Always have just the wrong color, then need to order more/different.. always so many things available. You would think i could just use what i have, huh?

I did figure out the amazon OTP .. it was my phone, it had been put on Do Not disturb for some odd reason.

Made a casserole this week that was awful and made so many errors and then did not have exactly what recipe called for so tried substituting and boy what a disaster..., the kitchen was a mess from spills and wrong pans to new ones... think i need to stick to meat and potatoes and a veggie or salad...  and today ordered Chinese, Geez, it was expensive!! Like my budget for a whole week...  it has been forever since we had any.. so there is that..  But it is going to last for at least two meals.. they do always give you way too much food!!

This is the 1st card... Pop Up Front Step... finally found it on google, so i could get dimensions and scoring lines.. not hard.. but could not figure it out myself, just from looking at it..

I did call the guy who am trying to get a puppy from and he has one pregnant, finally due end of March, 1st of April and he does not let them go until 9 weeks, so around mid May... I wanted the same parents as Finn was such a smart little guy and would hope to get the same temperament and intellect. (geez, i have had to google two words i did not know how to spell!!)..

did i ever mention i got an electric blanket from my niece for Xmas?  and that i LOVE it, keeps me SO cozy... wakes me up when it goes off tho, eventually.. am sleeping much better too, i must have been cold all the time!.

I even got out and did some yard work this week!! Even got kind of sweaty.. but then i stopped, can't have that !!  HAHA.. needed some of that tall ornamental grass cut down, and poppies taken out , the foliage dies throughout the Winter..Then dug out some grass that had come up in the berm area (place between the sidewalk and street)  that always get nasty with weeds.. BUT have LOTS of violas coming up.. My friend north of me a couple miles had crocus up, but i have not had any yet..

Well that's i folks..... Take Care and God Bless


  1. Your card is gorgeous. I don't try many new recipes anymore. I usually end up not liking them or they're too much work. I don't have an electric blanket but I sleep with a sheet, quilt, and two blankets which keep me snug and warm. You are a brave woman to take on a puppy. But I can hardly wait to see pictures. Nothing cuter than a dachshund puppy.

  2. Had my own cooking disaster this weekend as well. Not all recipes published on the internet even if you follow all the directions! Your cards are beautiful. I was cleaning and sorting through my card drawer hoping to get rid of some of the many I have saved. All your handmade and my sisters got saved. Must be 50 or more cards in the drawer, I was able to week out 3! LOL. Cards from family, or cards with personal messages and handmade cards from the grands all have sentimental value to me. Oh well! Maybe I need a second drawer!
