Friday, June 7, 2024


 Thursday i went to an estate sale in the Sisters area, way the heck n gone, as my dad would say... but you know, all the way out there there were still houses, people subdivisions.. although they had huge lots... and the house i went to ginormous!!!  with a killer view of a valley and the 3 Sisters in distance and the deck was huge also and had no railings at all... just walk/fall off into that valley below!!! could not believe.... but there were wild flowers and trees and made many stops for pics... and it was actually HOT.. almost worked up a sweat walking from where i had to park car to the house..

Today, Friday, got to take things to the dump! and we have a new dump.. million dollar thing, where u get weighed going in and coming out and have to back into a slot, by directing workers... which would be fine if you are a good backer upper, but i did good... Bri went with me so he hauled all out onto the floor and i guess they get trucks below

then push all the stuff into those trucks and take to where ever they are dumping.. i guess, it is a big two story thing, that u go up a ramp... and on the way out, you need pay attention as there is a stop/go sign for the scale and you don't want to get on the scale with another vehicle or the scale will be weighing the both of you!!!  HA!!!! YES!!!! i did not stop, had to back up behind the stop sign and wait my turn.  This is the most excitement i have had in days and it fairly exhausted me... i was driving and it is a stick, so there is that too. i know how, just is long periods of time in between and it is stressful... But we had over 200# of yard crap in there!!! would never have thought that, but there were two 100# bags of cement that had gotten wet and then hard... so there is that too...

Have been getting ready for the puppy, i had not gotten rid of things this time, so i had most of what i need, but had to go get puppy food. and order collars as she is so much smaller than Finn was.. good old Amazon!

Well, don't know what i hit, isn't this special?

Take Care and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Always feels good to actually get rid of stuff. I remember getting weighed at our landfill in Billings. I haven't driven a stick in 50+ years. Better you than me. Your baby will be with you soon. Excitedly waiting to watch her nose start to grow.
