Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Boy, when she sleeps, she really is out. She is staying awake more and more tho.  the thing she does now that am trying to get her to stop is she jumps and grabs the hem of the pants i have on.. very irritating.  she is really good about just laying down next to my chair when i am in making cards.. or she makes a nest of her toys and naps with them, so cute... i am catching her most all the time just when she needs to go out. so all in all, it is going ok... and of course we get lots of cuteness overload

learning sit and stay, and does fetch :) goes bonkers for Beggin Strips and she lets me sleep or at least go back to bed and continue sleeping until 8-9a . she loves her back yard and just runs and runs and snuffles out all manner of exciting things to chew...  we have some crows that drop their 'catch' in the yard, mainly old bones... there was even one up on the roof one day! 

Oh, i saw the cutest mama duck with 10,  they were certainly moving those tiny feet to keep up.. i was out in the yard watering and did not have my camera

My VISA got hacked, how in the world do they do that ? must have gone somewhere, where someone got the numbers.. my mind certainly does NOT work that way, so have no idea how it happened. but it has been a joy to have to notify everyone of the new # and my Amazon acct is still not working... even tho chged to the new #. so WTH!!! 

Have not been anywhere nor done anything.  I did go see Horizon.... mmmmm it is treated like a continuing story like TV and there are 8-10 different story lines, it was like this one was setting you up for what will follow.  heard many people not happy with it. BUT i quite liked it, love Costner westerns.. and cinematically it was wonderful to see. Beautiful. with lots of ugly, nasty people. and can't see the Indians being quite a philosophical as they were portrayed. I think they had no idea of what was headed towards them. 

And we have a beach vacay planned for over the 4th and the traffic is already horrid... think i will get up early wednesday and try to get over prior to everyone else, even tho can't get into AIRBNB until 4p. can go sit on the jetty and watch people and the waves :) one of my favorite things to do.. am hoping this works out for everyone, and that my hopes for family time work out and it is not a bust... m so looking forward to it.

Had a friend come into the area last week end and that was fun, taking him all about the area to see things.. but one day is really not enough time to get to some of the cooler things to see, like Sisters, headwaters of the Metolius, Green Ridge, Century Drive, McKenzie Pass, Smith Rocks.. BUT the mtns were out in their full glory. and we went to Dandy's (roller skating waitress) for Grand Dandy's and to top of Pilot Butte to look at ALL the mtns..

We did have a grand time, even got some Bonta gelato and got to see friend Carol..

So, i guess i have done some 'stuff'

Take Care All and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. She's so pretty. Puppies definitely keep you on your toes. And it sounds to me like you have been plenty busy. Always fun to be able to spend time with a good friend.
