Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Mom's iris, they are very fragrant!!

The white lilacs were beautiful

The Dutch Iris are abundant this year!!

Just some of the goings on in the yard this week.  we still are having now so good weather.. was 81 yesterday but today much cooler and grey/overcast BUT no rain. heaven forbid we get some rain.. not doing much, reading... Camino Ghosts by Grisham is really good! as is Bill Maher new book... saw him on some guest show and he said some interesting things, so had to see what else he had to say, Very interesting, don't agree with all, but most....

Getting things ready for the puppy.. get her saturday!!! then will be no more staying up till 2-3 am and sleeping in till 11am!!! But you know, don't really like to do that as the day is almost gone by the time you get around to moving and then time for dinner.. geez.. want to do more with my time and day..

doing lots of yard clean-up. will it never stop!!! bet the neighbors think i am crazy, doing my hoe patrol looking for weeds!!!

Take Care All and God Bless


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous. You will have so much fun when you have a puppy in the house. A lot of work, but so joyous.

  2. How exciting! I do not envy you all the training and yet you love having her a part of your family. the flowers are gorgeous! My roses are being over achievers this year. So many blooms.
