Sunday, July 7, 2024

Beach 4th

Went to the beach in Rockaway.  Was able to rent an AirBNB that sleeps 8 so we all fit.  Brian and Robin came with us this year.


It was only a short walk to to the beach. so love to go here.

these chairs were really comfortable and we found ourselfs out here off and on the whole time.. i want some, have to get a pergola put in somewhere tho :)

We went to Secret Beach or tunnel Beach, don't know which it is really called.  some early landowner made a tunnel through the bluff to access a small beach on the other side.  It was a really cool place.  the tunnel was like walking into a deep freeze... and there were lots of rocks/boulder on the beach there, found some agates tho!!! so that was neat...

It is at the north end of Oceanside.  I have never seen so many people on that beach, was quite amazed.. Parking was a long ways away, but Kevin dropped us off, went and parked, then joined us, it was about 1/4 mile away he had to park!! and i have no idea after going there so many times, why i had never been to this particular area.. been to Oceanside, but not to the secret bch, did not know it was there

See... lots of boulders.. spoiled little missy, Sade hardly had to get sand on her feet!  They liked carrying her about.  She had the strangest reaction to the sand.  She would just flop down and roll around, and would not walk, u did, basically have to carry her.

The other dogs were or are good dogs, but would get too hot and had to have water and cool off in the surf.. and the big grey one is a runner, so you had to keep a good hold of him. The other is Boris and he is really well trained and will follow Kevin anywhere, even w/o the leash.

We had a bonfire on the beach on the 4th, watched the sunset and the fireworks were amazing as they were last year. and the weather was fairly good, windy tho.

JeriMay got some really good pictures of the fireworks in action.

Everyplace there were blooming wildflowers, never got a picture of the foxgloves this time tho. And the hydrangeas tho were more than beautiful and had about 10 plants at the house we rented. Got tons of pics of those, you know, trying to get the perfect one!

This was taken as i was leaving Saturday morn about 6am.. water was so still with the mist raising off it.

See, they were really, really pretty

 and so colorful.

These were only about waist high, so assume they had not been in there to very long.

We went out the last day to eat t Sand Dollar, a fav of ours in Rockaway . Their patio was open and is dog friendly, so we could bring them with us, otherwise we would not have been able to go, as could leave them at the rental alone.. And they were all so very good, even Sade!! Just laid down and slept.

We had a really good, family time.  Did most everything we intended to do, cept, did not get to the Tillamook Cheese Factory this time.. there were just Too many people and too hot for dogs being left in the car. 

I had drove over by myself and  went over Mt Hood, to go to Hillsboro to the cemetery, which i have not been to in forever, took along gardening tools and dug our the headstone, clipped around and left lowers on Grandparents site.  On the way back went thru Salem, so made a huge circle and got to see more of the state this time. Also this time did not see the homeless encampments along the freeway like i did a couple years ago when i went that way.  wonder why?  did they just move them somewhere else (is my bet)....

Well Take Care All and God Bless

I did not get a picture of everyone while there???? so am adding this one taken on top of Pilot Butte

Ava is Kevin daughter and she is only up to stay in the summer and want a record of her picture and growth this year..  Kevin, JeriMay, Rylie and Ava

1 comment:

  1. Well, darn, Loree. I can't believe how much I have missed by not reading your blog directly, rather than just seeing you around on Facebook. Sherry (of In the Direction of our Dreams) mentioned how many bloggers have gone by the wayside and I decided to actually look at my blog list on the front page of the blog and dang, there you are! So I plan to keep reading. Could you send me an email when you post??? I can no longer get posts since the following thing doesn't exactly work any more properly. Great posts by the way.
