Thursday, July 18, 2024

pup update

 Blurry pic, but showing that she fetches, quite well now.. and loves to do it and brings it and drops right in front of me too!!! hardly have to wrestle her for it... BUT  potty training not going well.. well it does, until it doesn't.... and then she pees, just right in front of me!!! Really??? and sometimes she runs all eager to the back door.... guess it is  progress or not... a, ringing the bell every time... ah well

She also has an old sock that she carries around with her... inside, outside and to bed. loves her dirty old sock!! and she loves her yard... does a perimeter patrol, then gets down to business, digging for worms!!! UCK! she'll find a stick and prance all around with it, like a great treasure... Always are sticks falling out of those horrid trees... Had two HUGE limbs fall off by the shed after a wild wind we had mid-day, that was pretty exciting for her..

 My little unemployed freeloader, so tired after an active day...  Tomorrow she goes in for her 3rd shot series. going to get her nails trimmed too.. i can manipulate her feet, toes, touch them, but get out the nail clipper and she goes bonkers, what is it, with that? me? her? It is just crazy, why i can't do that...

So tomorrow vet, then pup-a-chino, then pet store for food and a new toy... Be a busy day for her.

Take Care and God Bless


  1. The joys of puppy hood. Our Skitz took forever to potty train. She was an excited pee-er. Anytime someone came to the door she'd pee. But they are so cute we can forgive them everything.
