Had pre-exam prior to Sade being spayed and she has TWO canine teeth on both sides, the baby teeth did not fall out! i am opening a Go Fund Me page for that little visit, geez.. at least i got insurance for her, so will get something back...?
Also been having issues with swallowing and general unease in throat area so yesterday had my endocsopy appt and the stomach made for the bariatric procedure has moved upwards into my esophagus . will have a doc appt to "discuss" options.. well, geez, double geez... can't they just shove it back? maybe that is one of the options... in the meantime, i am thoroughly chewing everything!
we had some lovely days, could even leave my door open all day, one day... but now not so lovely, grey days are upon us..
Made a crib blanket for the new baby last week... it went pretty well, only had to rip out two places... did not show the whole thing as Sue does such a great job of quilting... I would surely lack in comparison, i just do long/short squares, backing and machine binding.... there is no joy in tiny/tiny pieces for me... just have a job, get er done..... but it looks nice and was done with love. so there is that.. it was a kit from a quilt store, so all the material already picked out.
Take Care all and God Bless
Finished a Karen Slaugther book, Why We Lied that was really good mystery.. did not figure it out... but then i never do.. Oh an it was a Will Trent novel, i guess there is a TV show, will have to check it out
oh my; your issue sounds very unpleasant. Praying for an easy fix! Poor Sae, she knows not what awaits her. Hopefully they will do the teeth while she is under for the spaying,