We had snow yesterday!!! lots of it, the passes were a mess, so much so that people coming for thebaby shower Saturday had to cancel... that was sad, but better safe than sorry, right?
and now it is all melted, down here. UPS even had trucks unable to make delivery today as could not get over the passes..
Sade had her surgery the 11th an is doing well. we have gone out a couple times for a pup cup.. she sleeps alot, alot and her little tibbies are all swollen.. hormones, i guess, the vet was not too concerned.. she is clingy, just wants to sit in lap, whee she is now all curled up.. makes it a bit difficult, but i can work around... even do my crochet with her on my lap!!!
did not get alot of good pictures. she rented an airbub for the affair, it was a huge house compared to mine, 5 bedrooms upstairs, two living rooms, huge kitchen, eat in plus a dining room. which was a good thing as there were TONS of people there.. it was nice. Don't know where they are going to put things in their little rental, but she always manages. good little organizer..
there was HUGE charcuterie board, dessert place and hen grilled burgers and 3 sides... LOTS of food... there were like 4 people working on it off and on..
It was pouring rain in Sisters, the whole time, so the guys did not get to o out for corn hole or horseshoes
Lots of kids,,, rhey sayed upstairs most all the time and 4 babies.. one very wee...
They are truly blessed to have so many friends and family about and to come to a baby shower!!
so pretty... the baby's name is Novah May.. Dad picked it out an used Jeri's middle name too, which i thought was nice. below is a picture of her, ultrasound.. look at he little knees all pulled up....
Yep, this is her and yep she is preggars, due 4-30...
and that is about it...
also on update, i need major surgery :( the pouch they made for a stomach, when they do the bypass has migrated into my esophagus which makes it hard to swallow and it won't get any better and could get worse. and has already gotten worse in the last couple of months. or i would not have mentioned it to doc, saw the specialist that did my bypass. and it is being scheduled or the end of May. which gives me time to think about it....also has something to do with the diaphragm which needs "tightening" up, whatever that mean... did not quite understand that part and how it all its in there.. so.... there is that....
so. that is it. Take Care and God Bless
I'm sorry you have a surgery to look forward to. But it sure sounds like there are a couple of things that really must be fixed. And Sade will get better each day. Pup cups are great medicine. Great turnout for the baby shower. A wonderful event to celebrate.