Saturday, September 29, 2018


Yesterday i made some cards with a new set.... Frosted Floral, love it, so feminine and pretty

BUT the big news is that i actually got out and about.... Went to Madras to help brother get all his 'stuff' out of a storage unit.... So on the way i drove the 'back way'  thru the countryside and saw some sights... LOVE, love this time of year and the rabbit brush blooming, so very pretty and Central Oregon!!!   It is SO dry out there.....

There was some smoke in the air, still..... don't know where it was from.  That mountain is called Haystack..
Just look at the brush by the side of the road...

More of same with old gate...

Have over 70 pictures i took, so taking a couple days to show it all.. Had a good time, got to see niece, great-niece, brother and sister-in-law.....  Got trucks moved here and there and a truck load of 'stuff'... so mission accomplished....

Take Care and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. The cards are lovely and the day trip sounds like work, family and fun put together. Bet you rested well that night!
