Look at all of these sunflowers!!! Had to even pull some of them up. Kept lots of them o hide the tomato bushes which are in the middle of the whole thing from the deer, so far it has worked.... But things are not blooming or setting or whatever, get some blooms on my zucchini but they drop off and don't get any fruit!! Have 3 huge lavender plants and they have TONS of bees on them, think some of them need to visit our tomatoes and zucchini!!!
And can't get to the end of the pictures, did something i can't seem to undo
Today felt like Fall... was only 81 i think as a high, but getting ht again in the next couple days... i should have gone out and cut some of my poppies, but felt the need to just sit here and et lost in Facebook and Instagram... :)
Take Care All and God Bless

I love sunflowers but they can definitely take over. And it certainly isn't feeling like fall here. Still just shattering records.