Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Oh My Gosh

 Normally here you can see 3 Sisters and there is SO much smoke (news says it is from fire in McKenzie River area in Lane county that has drifted in, an hour after i got home it had drifted to Redmond and we have it bad too...

Normally across this field where those 4 dark trees are in mid picture you can see where my niece lives!!!

these pictures are not enhanced in any way, that is just how smokey n hazy it is!!!

I hope that they are able to get this put out in short order and it is not as bad as it appears.....

Take Care all and God Bless

P.s.  took grand niece school shopping today.... oh my.... just decided to let her get and pick out what she wanted, had a pretty good idea what that was too.... not my place to argue.... and this is to be a pleasant, aunty time.... just said no where warranted..... lots of angst over which binder to get and did not want to get more supportive bras, just sports ones,  so snuck in one for her try, eye roll, but she did and it was "ok"  that is a cross her mother can pin her to.... hahaha felt grand about getting one.... and by the 4th store i was done.... and was not going to walk any further in the 104 degree heat we had today....

1 comment:

  1. That smoke is horrible. I sure hope they get that fire contained quickly. Shopping with a grand sounds like an adventure.
